Chapter 15

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Schools over I head back to the house I notice Alaric isn't home, I go straight to the fridge and grab a bottle of blood.

About a hour later I hear the door bell ring I opened the door and see Ella looking like she wanted to be anywhere but here

"hey come in" I say

"Thanks" she says back to me while walking to the kitchen table and sitting, I sit next to her and We sit in uncomfortable silence

"Where's Alaric" Ella ask looking around

"I don't know I'm sure he will be here soon" I honestly didn't know that man ever left the house I wonder if he has any friends?

"Have you heard from Ezra?"

"Not today are you and Ezra close?" I say trying not to sound to noisy

She almost look uncomfortable about me asking "is anyone really close to Ezra?"

"True" I guess that's all I'm getting

I hear the door open and see Alaric thank goodness I don't know how much longer I could of taken this awkward tension.

"Hi guys nice to see you Ella" Alaric says as he sits down and adds "should I call Ezra?"

"I don't care" Ella shrugs

Alaric dials the phone and then puts it on speaker "hello" Ezra says

"Hey we are having a meeting" I say

"Okay who's all there" Ezra says back

"Just Alaric, me, and uh Ella" I say looking at Ella who won't even look at me

He quiet for a moment then says "what is this meeting about?"

Me and Alaric look at Ella.

"Who ever is doing this is getting close to where we live, a friend of mine says there pack was attacked they live hours away we could be next" Ella says I can she trying not to cry

"did your friend see who was doing this" I say to her

"No she just saw the after math" she shakes her head

"Maybe we should let your brother and his friends know what is going on" Alaric says to her

"No not yet he doesn't need to worry about this"

"It involves him maybe he should know" I say

"I said no I will protect him!" Ella says back daring me to say another word

"We will protect him and his friend" Ezra says softly to her

"I can try to do more research and talk to other wolves about this" Alaric says

"I can talk to a few witches and see if they can help in anyway" Ezra adds

"Thank you" Ella say then looks at me and adds
"please watch them even if you have to stalk or date one of them or something do what needs to be done"

"I promise" I say back and I take a sip of blood

"Okay well we all have something to do is there anything else Ella" Ezra says

"No that's it thank you again" Ella says looking at the phone

"Of course" he says back

I watch Ella face smile at the phone.

I wonder if there's something going on between them?

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