Chapter 3

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I was finally off the plane dreading of what lies ahead, while I was walking through the airport I stop when I see a guy in his mid 30s with dirty blonde hair and green eyes and a serious expression but he was good looking in his hand was a piece of paper with my name on it I walk up to him

"Hi I'm Aria did Ezra send you?"I ask him

"Yes he did I'm Alaric nice to meet you"

He puts he's hand out for me to shake I shake it and then he takes my suitcases And we walk out to his car, I slide in while he puts my stuff in the trunk and then he climbs in the car the drive to the house was a little awkward he was not a talker.

After want seemed like a eternity but was only 20 mins we pull up to a normal looking house.
He unlock the door and takes me up stairs to what is now I guess is my room.

"This is your room I hope it's okay" he says

"It's lovely thank you. does anyone else live in this house?" I ask

"No it's just me it was my parents house but they died so I got it"

"I'm sorry umm are you a vampire?" I had to ask sometime it's hard to tell its not like we sparkle

He almost looks gross out by my question
"No I'm not I'm human"

I'm takin back
"How are you not scared" I ask amazed

"Because all I have to do is get a wooden stake and stab you in the heart" he says and smiles for the first time

I actually laugh "we are going to be good friends"

"I have pizza coming if you guys eat that"

"Maybe I can just suck on your vein on your wrist instead" I smile sweetly

He looks shocked so I breath out with a laugh
"I'm just kidding yes we can eat pizza"

While we are eating I figure it's a good time to start asking all the questions I have
"So what's are story?"

"I am your uncle, your parent died so you are living with me now"he shrugs

"Wow that's heavy okay what do I need to know about the teen wolfs"

"They are mostly guys with one or two girls they don't really hangout with anyone but werewolves, but a couple of the guys do occasionally date outside of the pack they can be scary but not as scary as vampires"

"Haha okay how should I get into there little clique"

"That's all you"

"Fine do I get to meet the mysterious girl that making me do this"

"Yes she will be here in the morning to go over a couple of things" he tells me

"Sounds good I guess I'm a little nervous about the school part" I say as I stare at my pizza

He looks at me like I've grown a second head
"How can a vampire be scared of anything?"

I don't say anything so he adds "I'm sure it will be fine" he says with a small smile

As I lay on my bed I try to not think of my old school and how much I hated it I mean I'm a vampire I can handle anything right?

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