Chapter thirty-two

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Helllllll my loves!

-15 likes and I'll update the next chapter!!

-QOTD: What are the 2 main perks you look for in a guy?

-My answer: I like a guy with sense of humor and he has to be 5'8 or taller. Because I'm 5'8 and I really wouldn't want a bf that is like 5'4😂😬

Chapter 32



"Rilen get out of bed"


"Rilen! Get out of bed"

"I said nooooooo"

"If you don't get out of bed I'm gonna make you get out of bed"

"Do it"

I feel my body being jerked up out of bed. Elliot slings my body over his shoulder. "Nice booty" I say grabbing it.

"Stop" he giggles.

"Where are you taking me" I ask him?

"To the Beautiful Tragedy" he says.

I think back to when he opened up to me about that. "No I can't. I look like crap" I say.

He places me down. "I think you look fine."
I point to my hair that is going EVERY which way.
He pulls out a hair bow of his pocket and puts my hair up in a messy bun. "You're such a hottie now" he says kissing my forehead, "and plus we are just grabbing something and then going."

I laugh at him then we head in. We go straight up to the front and order our food. "Heyy guys" I say looking over to see Clare and the rest of the group.

I walk over to them. "Hey how's things going" I ask?

"Life sucks" Tyson says.

Clare jumps in, "life would suck for me too if I got caught cheating!"

"Tyson you cheated" I ask shocked?

"Yea no biggie. I just got kicked out of class for a week" he says rolling his eyes, "not like I really want to be here anyways"

I tilt my head and give him the 'huh' look. He looks up seeing my face then responding. "My parents forced me to come" he says.

"Ohh" I say.

I see Chase and Clayton walk out of the bathroom. Clayton glides his arm around Clare making her look stiff. Is he hurting her like he did me? I swear I will hurt him if I find out he is. Just when my body starts getting really tense Elliot comes up placing his hand on my waist with the food in the other. "Ready babe" he ask me?

I shake my head. "Yea see you guys around" I say goodbye.


When we get back to the room. Baliey and Arin are eating Taco Bell and watching Tv. I lay my stuff down as Elliot gets comfortable in the corner of my bed. I lay in front of him getting snuggled up with him. Yea I guess you could say we are that couple.

We pull out food out and eat just all cuddled up, I swear I could do this all day. "Barf" I hear them say.

I reach in the food bag and then pull up my hand revealing my middle finger. "Ahh. Where did that come from" I ask being sarcastic?

They roll your eyes. I sit up alittle. "Guys I have a question" I feel Elliot's hand being placed on my waist.

"Hmmm" they both say looking down at their phone.

"Have you guys noticed something off with Clare?"

They just look at me. Then they look at each other. "No I haven't noticed anything" Arin says.

"I haven't really payed really close enough" Bailey said being honest.

"Why what do you think is wrong" Arin ask?

I just give him the look. "You think that Clayton is doing that again" his eyes nearly poping out of his face?

"Possible. He done it to me" I say shrugging my shoulders.

"If he is. I will beat the freaking crap out of him" Arin says. "I second that" Bailey says.

"What are you talking about" Elliot whispers in my ear?

I turn my head slowly and just look at him. He gives me the look. He jerks up and walks out of the dorm. I look over to Bailey and Arin. "Oops. Someone is moody" Bailey says grinning a

"Shut up" I spit. I jump up not wanting this to happen. "Elliot wait" I run out seeing him standing there.

"What are you not telling me" he ask me?

"Elliot baby it's nothing" I grab his hands.

He pulls away. "It's something. And you told them idiots but you won't tell your own boyfriend" Elliot screams.

Thank God barely anyone lives in this section or either people would be ease dropping or complaining. "It's not a big deal" I say.

"What is it" he ask me?

I don't answer. I don't even want to be having this conversation. "Rilen what the (h-e- double hockey stick) is it" he screams?

"I dated Clayton for the longest time" I say, Elliot stares at me, "after a while he started abusing me and it got pretty serious."

"Why didn't you tell me" Elliot ask?

"Because that isnt the first thing I go around telling people" I spit.

"I'm sorry" he pulls me in his arms, " I won't let anyone hurt you."

I wrap my arms around him, feeling really safe.


-So it's official. RILEN + ELLIOT!  Cute right?

-Tell me what you think of Rilen and Elliot below!!⬇️⬇️

-If you like reading quotes/ poems then go check out my other book. It is filled with my personal quotes and poems that I have wrote!

-I will update ASAP

-I love you my nuggets💕

-Follow my Instagram( @ damainmaddie) and comment on one of my recent post and say, "You suuuuuuccck"


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