Chapter nine

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Heyyy guys! ✌️

Here is chapter 9

Get use to it Sunshine


I make my way out of my Criminology class. Tightening the bag around me. I finished my homework 2 weeks earlier and I am super proud of myself.

I make my way to the cafeteria. Sitting in the chair next to Clare. Clare is a sophomore in college and is the most nicest person I have ever met. I met her a few days after school started.

"Be right back" I say placing my bag down.

I go and get a tray. When I get back I notice there is some more new people. "Guys this is Rilen" I look in front of me to see 2 girls and 3 guys.

"Rilen this is, Oliver. A senior, majoring in Music. Grace, a Freshman, majoring in Nursing. Lola. A Freshman also, majoring in therapy. Blake. A sophomore, he is kind of everywhere at the moment. He doesn't really know what he wants. And last but not least, the famous Elliot" he pauses.

I look at Elliott. My heart stops. He is so  Hott! I get snapped out of my fantasy. "What did you say Clare" I ask?

"I said Elliott is a senior and is majoring in Law" she repeats herself.

I suddenly get interested. "Really. Like cop, Lawyer, a paralegal or what" I ask?

"A Lawyer" he says.

"Same" I confess.

"You a lawyer" he ask chucking?

Oh thanks my self esteem just went up. "What's so funny" I ask?

"Women shouldn't be a lawyer. They don't know what they are even talking about" he says grinning the whole time.

He looks at me. At first his eyes are bright but all of a sudden they change to black. I'm reading his mind.

"I'm gonna go" I say standing up.

I go to grab my bag but it's gone. My heart starts pounds. My bag. It's gone . I look around to see anything. I look outside to see a guy carrying my bag walking the opposite of the cafeteria.

I run off. I reach the guy from behind. "Excuse me" I say getting the guys attention.

I then wrap my hand around his wrist bringing his arm behind him. I grab my free arm around his throat. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't beat the crap out of you right here right now" I spit at this guy.

Who the heck does he think he is? Stealing my bag. That not only was a lot of money but it has everything in it. My homework. Oh this idiot is going to get it. "They made me do it. They paid me" he shouts in fear. 

I can hear it in his voice. "Who paid you" I ask making my grip on him tighter.

"Them" he mumbles pointing to a group of people beside a dumpster.

I let the guy go. "My bag" I say.

He hands it to me and dashes away. I sigh and head to that group of boys. They are all laughing. I grab the closet one and push up against the dumpster and push my arm to their throat. "Why did you pay that guy to do that" I spit?

"Dannng bro you were right. She is rough" he says to one of his friend behind me.

I let go and turn to see the one and only Bailey. "Seriously Bailey" I say mad.

"What? it was funny" he says.

"No it wasn't" I say crossing my arms across my chest.

"Your kind of Hott" one of the guy says stepping closer to me.

I just look at him. "Maybe you and me could get it on in that closet over there" he says tucking my hair behind my ear.

I do a little smirk at him. He wraps his arms around me. I do the same and then knee him right in the balls. He groans in pain, "go get hit by a bus you jerk" he says as he falls.

I just watch him fall. I look up to see the others including Bailey coving their balls.
"And there is more where that came from" I say.

I begin to walk away with my bag on my shoulder and my head high as ever. "Is she always like that and can't take a joke" one of the other guys ask?

"Yea it's hard to live with her. She is a pain in the butt" Bailey says.

I turn back to them, "get use to it Sunshine" I say smiling ear to ear.

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