Chapter twenty-one

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hey ✌️ I just want to apologize for not updating. I go through this phase where I update 5 chapters in 5 days and then I stop. Cuz I get writers block. So I am sorry.

So we just had our prom. It was amazing!



Yayaya! Thanks for reading!

QOTD: if you went to prom what color was it?

My answer; Mine was royal blue


Chapter 21

Going back..


"You need to go" he shouts in my face.

"No" I spit crossing my arms.

"You need to go" he confirms to me.

"Bailey I don't want to" I say.

"You need to. You can't even open your eyes" he says.

I sit up and open my eyes. They begin to slowly  close again. I force my eyes open. "I'm fine."

"Are you sure you are just fine" he ask Me?

See that is where I am lying. Am I really fine? One of the biggest white lies anyone could say. Sometimes when I say 'I'm fine' I really mean, 'I'm hurting.' I just don't want to talk about it. I rather not.

I shake my head. "No I'm not" I confess.

"Come on let's go to the doctor" he says holding out his hand.

I lean up and grab his hand.


"So what is wrong Mrs. Hamilton"  the doctor ask me?

"I'm tired. I sleep all day. But I still end up to be tired" I say.

He grabs his chin. "Okay I'm going to take a few test" he says turning around.

He turns back around with a needle. "W- What are you doing" I ask?

We need to test your blood for something. I didn't ask why. I didn't want to know. But soon I was gonna find out.

He leaves the room and I don't say anything. I look at the door. Bailey grips my hand. My head goes flowing back to when I was in here with my mom. I look up at her. "Mommy what is going on" I ask her with fear in my voice.

"We will see baby. Just don't worry about it" she grips my hand.

After what seems like forever, the doctor came in. He had a cream colored looking folder in his hand. He is slightly shaking. Why tho?

He walks to me and grabs my chin and lifts it up and gasp. I guess he saw something. What is it? I want to see!

My mom pulls him to the side. She goes on about something. Then he stops her and tells her something. To this day I don't know what he told her but whatever it was. It knocked the wind out of her. She drops in the nearest seat.

"Mommy what's wrong" I ask?

She looks at me with her no longer hazel eyes. They are now black. "Nothing. Everything is alright" she pulls me out of there without letting me talk to the doctor.

"She doesn't need to know" she whispers to herself.

I was afraid to ask her. I was scared of what she would do.

"Mrs. Hamilton" he snaps me out of my thoughts.

"Yes sir" I say sitting up.

"Can you come over here real quick?" he ask.

I stand up and walk over to me. He grabs my chin, my head goes flowing back again. "Step on the scale" he says.

I step on the scale.


I'm ashamed of my weight. I've always been a big girl. "How did you maintain your weight like this" he ask me?

"Excuse me" I ask?

"Well ma'am with you always being tired is some simple little thyroid problems but it seems to be you have PCOS" he confirms to me.

"W-what is that" I ask trying not to freak out.

"Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. It is when your hormones get out of balance. One hormone Changes triggers another, which changes another. You are going to have problems with acne, extra hair where it is not suppose to be. Like you have a few on you chin. Irregular periods. Weight gain and trouble losing weight. Which I am surprised you only weigh 153" he says.

My eyes slowly lower to the ground and I get a pit on my stomach. "...also you will have trouble getting pregnant" he says.

I take a deep breath. "I'm sorry" he says.

"It's fine. Better finding out at this age"
I say.

"Well it says here when you were 12 you came in and they diagnosed you with it" he says.


She lied to me and didn't tell me anything.

I get furious.


I will try to upload soon as possible

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