Chapter twenty-five

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We hit 40.k omg guys thank you Soo much! 😘


QOTD: Do you sleep with socks on?

My answer; I don't and some of my friends call me weird because I don't. 😂😁

Here is chapter 25

Everything's gonna be alright


"There we are, my hands around his neck and his around my body. And we are about to kiss. When some douchebag pulls me away" I say into the phone.

"Wow I would have punched him" Brandon says.

"I wanted to" I say looking around the clean room.

I finally made him clean the whole room or I wouldn't bring in any more food in. "I mean I wanted to kiss him but then again I'm glad Bailey pulled me away. Cuz I feel like Elliot isn't the one. Because you know how I am!" I say.

"Yeah. Yeah. You don't want to waste your time on people if they are not gonna to be a huge impact on you. As if they are wasteful papers that don't need to be written on" Brandon repeats what I told him in 6th after my 'boyfriend' broke up with me.

"Why can't you just have fun" he ask me?

"I am having fun Brando. The time of my life" I say then sighing.

"I know I can tell by the sound of your voice" he says.

"I'm just saying. If you really want to be with someone. You can not just judge them. Meaning give them a chance to show what they got. Don't judge them at the first date. Don't make assumption. And most importantly, have hope for them, see the positive things before the negative."

I take a deep breath as he just knocked me out of breath with what he said. I smile. Knowing he is always right. I should give him a chance. "I'll do it" I say.

"Good and see what's up with the Bailey guy he seems interesting" Brandon says.

"What about me"Bailey runs into the room with Arin behind him.

"Gotta go. love you. bye" I say fast and hang up.

"Why don't you let me talk to any of your friends" Arin ask?

"Because she doesn't have any" Bailey says.

"Haha funny, where did you get it Google" I crack a smile.

"Hahahaha burn! Boi she just roasted you" Arin shouts.

"Shut up Arin" Bailey shouts.

I walk to the bathroom and throw my hair up in a messy bun. "Yea. Where? The shack!? Be there in a few" Bailey says loudly then hangs up.

"I'm coming with" I shout.

"Did we invite you" Bailey ask Me?

I snatch up my purse and my phone and begin to walk out the door. "No I invited myself" I smile.


We walk into The shack and order our food and take a seat. "I'll get the food when they call" I remind them both. Within a few minutes, Tyson and Chase pull a seat up and sit down. "Who invited Rilen" chase asked?

"Shut up" I punch him in the arm.

He laughs as he pulls another chair up between us. "Who is that for" I ask him?

He just looks at me, before he can reply a loud obnoxious voice erupts in the room. "Me. Got a problem."

I look over to see Clayton. He suddenly slams his hand down on the table and scoffs when he sees me. I tense up next to him. Only Bailey knows about us. I look over at Bailey, he doesn't look back right away. But soon turns my way. "It's okay" he mouths to me.

I shake my head. Can they tell? Tell that I'm scared of my life right now. Order 153. Tell that I can't stand being next to him. Order 153. Tell that if he makes a sudden movement I will flip. Order 153. Tell that I'm broken because of him.

"FINE I'LL GO GET IT" a voice interrupts my thoughts.

"Order 153. Thank you have a good day" the lady says hanging Arin the food.

He gets back. "Sorry" I mouth to him.


When I get back to the dorm I throw myself on my bed. I peel the blankets up and over my body. As a few minutes pass I finally decide to change, if I don't I will regret it in the morning.

I jump up and put on a tank top and a pair of shorts, throwing my hair up in a bun. I sigh as I lay back into bed and ruffle under the sheets. I feel the sheets lift up and pressure behind me. I then feel arms wrap around me.

I turn around to see Bailey shirtless but in boxers. "I'm sorry I let him sit next to you" he says to me.

"It isn't your fault Bailey" I confirm him.

"But I let it Happen" he says.

I press my hand on his face. "It's okay" I say.

He pulls me closer to his face as I stuff my face in the crook of his neck. He presses his cold firm lips against my jawline, whispering "everything's gonna be alright."


You guys are commenting and complaining that my chapters long enough or Saying should be making them longer.

Guys I want you to know that I am doing the best I can do. And if I even try to make my chapters longer I will barely update. Because I get writers block easy and I can't just force myself to write. I write when my heart tells me to. So please bare with me. I'm not like every other writer out there. I am Maddie. I am damainmaddie! lol I'm lame

Don't be mad at Me, just understand I am not writing to compare myself to over writers, not to brag, or not even to just copy other work. I am writing because writing is talent of mine. And I love writing with all my heart and I hope me writing on here Can make a difference.

Well love you guys.

Sees you later in the next chapter

I will update ASAP

-Maddddie out✌️

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