Chapter 3b [MARTIN] - One Way Or The Other

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It was over.

The two words whispered by the stranger in surprise might as well have been a death sentence.

He had been seen. He had been found. He was caught.

Martin stared up and up, his fear increasing with every inch of the giant stranger he took in.

Gigantic feet, easily able to crush Martin beneath his heels at a whim - leaving him nothing but a red smear on the asphalt - with a single lazy movement.

Enormously long legs, that looked swift and strong, and that Martin had not a chance in hell of outrunning.

A lean, but muscular torso, long, strong looking arms and huge hands, ready to grab him, able to squeeze his tiny body to a bloody pulp just by flexing, strong enough to pull his limbs off without a second thought.

It was over.

He was dead.

"No", Martin wanted to scream, but all he managed was a whisper.

He had suffered so much. He had tried so hard.

He had lost.

"No, no, no, no, no."

He had tried so hard to survive. Had desperately clung to the last bits of hope, of pride and humanity.
Had suffered all Walt had put him through but had never allowed himself to be broken completely.

Staring up, way up, at the giants face, huge brown eyes staring back down at him, Martin let go.

And finally, after over a year of suffering and torment, he broke.

He let the exhaustion take him, not even bothering to stay on his feet. Martin just dropped where he was, tears spilling from his eyes, and let the silent sobs shake his worn down, aching body.

He felt empty.

It was over.

He had lost.

The stranger would catch him, and eventually, Walt would take him off the other giant.

Buy him or steal him or just convince the stranger to simply hand Martin over.

Walt would find a way.

He always found a way.

And then, when he finally had Martin back in his clutches, there would be... 'the punishment'.

Walt would make him suffer more pain than his mind would be able to bear, taking the last bit of Martin's sanity away, before killing him in the most humiliating and excruciating way he could think of.

Walt had always been very creative when it came to inflicting pain.


A whisper from above. Martin didn't even care anymore. Let the monster gloat, if he wanted to.

"Hey!", more insistent this time.

"Goddamnit, Dude, pull yourself together! You've made it all the way here, don't you dare give up now!"

That got Martin's attention.

Shocked and confused, he stared up at the stern face looking down at him and was rewarded by seeing the giants features unexpectedly soften into an encouraging smile.

"That's better", he whispered, his voice as soft as someone who looked to be 70 feet tall could possibly make it.

Martin just stared.

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