Chapter 10 [Dexter] - Memories of a Miss-spend Youth

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Dexter supressed humorless smile at the man's - Paul's - excited barrage of questions.
They sure were gushing about him now, but he had no doubt things would be rather different if he actually went face to face with those two.
He had seen his share of what those creatures were capable of.
No, thanks.

In all his time, he had only ever trusted a single human.
He smiled at the memory.

Ah, good old Brenda.
He missed her, almost as much as his time gowing up at her place.

Their parents had known, of course, as had some of the elders of their tribe, and their being discovered had almost been reason enough to make them move, but in the end, they had grudingly agreed to stay, after realizing that she posed no danger to anyone.

They had been furious, but they also had to admit, that it had been neither his nor Maki's fault, really.

Ordinary humans might be blind and deaf and stupid, who could have known that Brenda wasn't?

Brenda saw everything, remembered everything.
Not even the most minute of details ever escaped her.
She had always known of the tribe's being there, but after being scolded by her guardians for 'making up stories' when she was younger, had filed the information away under 'things it is wrong to talk about' and had simply not cared beyond that.

Dexter still remembered the day, they had first talked.

He had been almost 15 then, and his sister had just turned 12.

As was customary, the entire tribe had joined in the celebrations for her birthday, as twelve was the age you started training, and were finally allowed to join a group of adults on your first raids.

Maki had barely been able to contain her excitement, and the party had been one of the most amazing she had ever experienced.
Everybody had contributed something, as was usual, but that year, some of the young adults had taken the opportunity and made it into a dare between themselves, each group of friends trying to out-do the others.
Between them, they had actually managed to filch an entire orange from the vast communal kitchens, and a pair of boys - clearly out to impress - had even gone so far as to make an attempt at stealing from the 'Rewards'-cupboard the Home's guardians kept under lock and key - proudly adding an enormous chocolate cookie and some gummis to the pile of food to be shared out, earning them looks of admiration from Stella and her friends, aswell as smiles and attention from some of the girls that were in the group of young adults doing their 'Visiting Year'.

A few days prior to her birthday, Maki had approached her older brother and asked him not to get her anything, because she had a special wish, something she'd always wanted to do, and needed his help with.

Dexter had actually laughed out loud, when she told him what it was.

''Impossible!'', he'd said ''That's far too dangerous.''

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