Chapter 21

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Zac's P.O.V
I grab the last of the bags needed for the call. My buddy, who was with me for all of the calls we got, Brady calls me over, "Zac! Let's get a move on!"

I jump in the back of the ambulance and with the sirens blaring we pull out of the lot and drive towards the streets where the accident occurred.

"Ok, so what happened?" I ask Brady and he tells me,

"Awful car accident, between Cross and Main Street. We're probably going to need backup but they didn't know how many people were involved so we'll see when we get there. That's about as much as I got from the call."

Carly's P.O.V
My eyes open once again. I try and see where we are I see Jake in the front seat- his body looks as pale as a ghost. I was in so much pain right now but I wanted to hold his hand, make sure he was ok.

Even though it killed me without me even moving, I looked down at my right leg. I couldn't believe my eyes, my leg was clearly the wrong way and I saw white bone sticking out. Oh god, I feel like I might be sick. On top of that my leg was also crushed.

I didn't care, no matter how much pain I was in I had to check in Jake, I yell his name, "Jake? Jake!?" I wait for an answer. I got none. This time I say it a little louder, thinking maybe he could hear me, "JAKE!? Come on you gotta be alive..." I say, now with tears streaming down my face because of the amount of pain I was in and because I didn't hear Jake say anything I couldn't even tell if he was breathing!

My breathing however was very staggered and rapid, I was most likely hyperventilating, which is bad on my part.

My head killed and my hands were shaking when I brought my hands up to my face because I felt blood trickling down my face, I must've cut myself by the glass from the now shattered windows. I brought down my hands to see blood and my hands now red stained from my own blood.

I can't even handle my leg, but on top of that my brother was unconscious, and my head and or face is BLEEDING!

At that moment I black out again, just when I hear sirens starting to come from the background.

Zac's P.O.V

We park on the side of the road and Brady and I jump out. By the looks of it, this was a bad one.

"Brady." I say, who was right next to me.

"Yeah Zac?" He replies.

"Call for backup- we're going to need  three more ambulances..." I say, sighing.

"Ok. I'm on it." He says, taking a couple of steps back, talking into his walkie-talkie.

There were two cars involved, both which had two people in the car. One car was upside down and the other crashed up against a pole.

I jog over to the car that's upside down. My good friend, Kevin, who's a cop, and a few firefighters come with me, we were trying to decide the best way to get them out of the car. We decide it'd be best to cut off the doors.

The firefighters do their job and with the help of Kevin they get both sides of the doors off, I walk over with Brady who was behind me and we were both pulling gurneys/stretchers.

I peer in. A girl and a boy, the boy was in the front and the girl was in the back seat, they both looked pretty young, probably teenagers. The other paramedics from the other two ambulances, get the other two males out from the car that was crashed into the pole.

Brady helps me move the girl from the backboard onto a stretcher.

Carly's P.O.V
My eyes slowly open, and I notice I'm not in the car anymore but I could feel myself on some kind of bed thing- I know what it's called-a stretcher, that's it. I didn't know what was happening to me, so of course my heartbeat got faster my breathing becoming more and more rapid, I know I was now hyperventilating.

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