Chapter 16

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Carly's P.O.V
    As you all know, I'm not the smartest person in the world, but hear this. I've gotten smarter than when I first came here. You don't know how, do you? Well, let me explain. Most hospitals these days have some sort of "school" and a designated area for it, as well. This school for patients who are stuck staying at the hospital for a while and are missing school. Since I've been here for such a long time, I've gotten into it and started going, that way if I really did get the chance to go to a real education in high school, I wouldn't be so far behind. I thought I would never hear myself say this, but I enjoyed it and I liked school.

The way it worked was you would be paired with someone the same age and a teacher. As a group of three, the teacher would work with the two of you for about two hours a day. The first day I went I was paired with someone. He was a boy and his name was Connor. He was the same age as me, sixteen and turning seventeen next month.

He had dirty blonde hair with hazel eyes and his favorite color was blue. He played like five sports and was a freshman in high school. I would've been a freshman too, if I had a real education and enough money to go.

After our first class, we decided it'd be best to learn a little more about each other.

"Hey, do you want to maybe....ah... grab a drink after this and chat?" Connor said, looking away from my eyes with a shy smile lightly placed on his face.

"Haha. Yeah sure," I replied regretting what I had said immediately, I must've sounded like a crazy person.

I noticed his shy smile get a little bigger and he just looked down at his paper staring at it. He was cute. Scratch that! What I meant to say was it was cute.

His hair fell into his eyes and he pushed it back avoiding my eye contact, while all I could do was look at him and nothing else. By the end of our first class together I could tell we were going to get along really well, a good sign for me.

What I found was even crazier was that he was immobilized, just like me. He had crutches and I was in a wheelchair. Anyway, when he was getting up, from sitting down he quickly asks,

"Mind if I grab on for a minute?"

"Go right ahead." I say holding my wheelchair steadily for him, as he was carefully getting up.

"Thanks... Carly." He says once he's ready to leave. "You good?" He asks, as I'm slightly struggling with my wheelchair.

I nervously starting laughing a little,  but say, "Yeah I think I'm good, thanks."

He laughs, "You sure?"

"Yeah." I say as I finally get my hands in the right spot on the wheels. Again, cut me some slack, I still haven't gotten the most practice with this thing.

"Cafe? Or somewhere else?" Connor asks as we make our way towards the elevator.

"The cafe's fine."

With that, we went to the cafe and I found a table while Connor went up to the counter and ordered our drinks. He came back in a minute, hopping on his good foot because he left his crutches so it'd be easier to carry the drinks, and put my drink down and hopped back to the counter for his. He's so sweet. We sat in the cafe for an hour talking after school and we planned to meet again after school again tomorrow.

He told me that he'd been in school all his life, unlike me, and that since he's been hurt he hasn't been in school for four months and that's how long he's been at the hospital. Then again, either way he's had way more of an education than I have.

He loved History, English, and drawing. He told me that he played baseball, football, hockey and he did lacrosse with the town's team. I told him he sounded crazy busy and he said he was. After he told me about himself, he said,

"So, I've told you about me, now I want you to tell me about you."

"Well," I said, "There's not much to tell believe me."

"I don't care just tell me about your life, your education and everything."

"Okay, well first off you should know that I'm an orphan. Uh, my parents died when I was five, so I didn't know them too well. But my brother and I have had each other's backs since then, he was six when they passed away. I don't have nearly the education that you've got, I mean my brother homeschooled me in what he knows, but neither of us has gotten a real education. Umm.. what else? My favorite color is purple and I love animals and I turn seventeen next month on the 20th. I mean I think that's about it."

"Well if you want, outside of "school" maybe, if you wanted a little help I could if you wanted me to help..." Connor says looking at his cup.

"I'd love that. Thanks."

"No problem."

We finished our coffee and Connor was getting up when he says, "Want me to throw your cup out?"

"No, no. You already hopped around earlier to get the drinks," I say and yank his cup out of his hand, while he laughs, and I take the cups over to the trash.

We had a good connection I felt and it felt nice to have something like that after everything even from when my parents died. We both said bye to each other and I got back into the elevator, nearly hitting a wall on the way.

As I open the door to my room, I see that Jake finally seemed to be chilling. He has his feet propped up on the edge of my bed and watching tv. He sees me when he looks up and says, "Hey. How was school?"


"You're later than normal. Why?" He asks, concern starting to take over the happy expression on his face.

"Don't worry, Jake. I was just talking with Connor after."

"Who's this Connor kid? Is he safe, will he hurt you?" Jake says, concern now taking its turn on his facial expression.

"Okay, slow down there. Connor is the boy who is my partner in school and he's offered to help me with school because he's had much more experience than me. Look he's nice and I really like him. He wouldn't hurt me. I know that."

"You like him?"

"Well yeah." I reply, looking at him oddly.

As soon as I say that Jake starts singing,

"Carly and Connor sittin' in a tree.... K-I-S-S-I-N-G. First comes love then comes..."

"Jake! Stop it!" I said. Of course he didn't stop, so I picked up a pillow and threw it at his face. He fell back and was laughing.

"Why did you do that?" He asks finally with his breath back.

"Cause you wouldn't stop. That's why!" I say laughing with him. "Look we're just friends."

I know what you must be thinking by now. Oh no! This book is going to turn into some sappy love story romance book! Yeah I don't think so. I'm not into Connor that way and I'm not a fan of all this lovey-dovey stuff. Trust me that will not happen.

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