Chapter 4

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Carly's P.O.V

WHAT!!!" I nearly scream. I was still a bit groggy from yesterday, but I didn't care one bit right now. I jumped out of the bed and ripped off everything that this crazy hospital had me on. Of course I left my clothes on if that's what you were thinking, but everything else went on the bed or floor. Bridget was surprised by this. Wait hold on, let me rephrase that... Bridget was completely shocked by my reaction to the news. I personally think that she was still in shock.I must have fallen on the ground like five times before I grabbed hold of that horrible wheelchair. I'd never been in a wheelchair before and controlled it myself, but hey why not try something new each and every day? Don't and I repeat DON'T ask why no one else saw any of the crazy stuff I was doing. Truth is, I have no idea- maybe this hospital just doesn't have good security. Now in the wheelchair, I grab the wheels and zoom out that room. As soon as I leave that room I feel almost free in a way. Okay, not exactly free, but it was the best feeling I'd had in a few days. I rush through the hospital floors, door after door. I had no idea where I was, but I just kept going, faster and faster.

After what seems like forever, I finally find an elevator. I literally slam into the elevator button and start jamming the down button. The doors slowly open and I rush inside- luckily, o=no one else was in the elevator. I slam the Level Floor button, and the elevator doors close. Once I get to the ground floor, I hurry out of the elevator. I look around and all I see around me is swarms of people like bees who travel together. All I could think about was getting to my brother. I scan the area for the door that led outside- I soon find them and place my hands on the wheels.

I go full speed ahead turning back every few poeple I pass and yell, "Sorry about that!" Yes, I may have not been "Mr.Nice Guy" back there, but hey wouldn't you do the same thing if you were in my situation? If you said "no" then I mean C'mon, really! You wouldn't do the same because...oh whatever! Anyways, I reach the two front doors and push that blue button that opens the door for you. As I go outside I feel a rush of cool, icy air. It was absolutely frigid outside, and I was in a hospital gown! I had been so alert on looking for my brother, that I hadn't even realized that i'd set off an alarm. Dang It! When I snapped myself back to reality, I heard sirens in the background- but that wasn't the only noise I heard. I swing myself around in the wheelchair and notice guards, security guards, racing towards me! I didn't know how many there were, but I'll tell you there were too many to count anyway. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see that the sirens had stopped, and an ambulance was parked right right in front of the hospital. I look again, and see two people who had both been in the front of the ambulance and a team of other people , who must have worked at this hospital too, climbed out of the back with a person on a gurney.

Now this wasn't just any person on a gurney, this was my brother on a gurney! MY BROTHER! ON A GURNEY! I couldn't believe my eyes, but you can't deny the truth. Wait...actually you can deny the truth in technical terms, but you know what I mean. I turn around, and the security guards were coming closer and closer. I guess I had no choice- I was planning on "jumping" out of the wheelchair. Unfortunately, that's not how it happened. It went more like I tried "jumping" out of the wheelchair, then just kind of fell onto the cement like a 10,000 pound weight had just pulled me down. OUCH! Okay, that hurt-badly. I lifted my head and tried standing but couldn't. Great! I'd have to do it the hard way. I start dragging myself towards my brother, like in those horror films. Oh god, I just creeped myself out! By then, every single part of my body killed, but I kept going.

Out of nowhere, a guard jumped on top of me and I got the wind knocked out of me. I let out a small cry for help but who was I to think anyone would hear that! Now with a security guard on me pushing me to the ground, I take back what I said earlier, claiming this hospital didn't have good security. The guards didn't stop coming there, they just kept coming. If you can't picture this I'll give you a visual...

Okay so imagine if you were, like me, in a hospital gown, and dragging yourself on concrete. (OUCH! trust me, you don't want to be right now) But, wait there's more! On top of you, there's two huge security guards on you, dragging you and there are more behind them.

Now that we got that done, let's get back to reality.

As I'm struggling to reach my brother, I could feel myself getting closer and closer. Wait...maybe it was just that I was slowly dragging myself, while my brother was the one getting closer to me. NEVER MIND! By now, four security guards have me pinned down on the cement, in front of who knows what hospital. As my brother gets closer to the entrance I see a small part of his face flashed before my eyes. His eyes are closed, so maybe he's unconscious. Just thinking about that makes me scream. As he gets farther and farther away from me, I just keep on getting louder and louder. When he's out of sight i was planning to dash after him. Just as I got ready I feel something sharp go into my arm, and then another. I cringe slightly at the feeling, but ironically feel a burst of energy. I free myself just enough to drag myself into the hospital again.

I search the main floor for my brother, BINGO! Found him! I drag myself a tiny bit further, but then feel my eyes starting to close. Really?! Now! It just had to be now, didn't it! I pry them open with my hands, and start again. By now, I had only three security guards on top of me, but hey it's better than four! But it's worse than zero. Each time I try the more pain I feel! I couldn't leave him like this though? Could I? No! I gave one last shot, I gave every last bit of energy I had left and pulled myself. Unfortunately, as soon as I tried, that's when my body decided to shut down...

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