Chapter 17

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Jake's P.O.V
     While Carly was off at school the next morning I called Percy, Ross, Amber, Nikki, and Brian to come into Carly's room so I could talk to them about my plan. They came into the room and sat down.

Nikki says, "So, what are we planning on doing?"

"Well, I was thinking about where Carly and I were going to go next, like where to live I mean. I mean you guys are all old enough to move out and live on your own, right?" I say, looking at them.

"Oh yeah," Ross says motioning for everyone else to agree too. "I mean I've actually been thinking of moving out pretty soon, I sort of need to by now, I'm 18 and basically so are the rest of us so... I just need to find a house."

"Same thing with me, I've been looking for houses and haven't had much luck, but I'm interested with whatever you have to say, Jake." Amber motioning towards me.

"So I was thinking what if we all put our money together and bought a house together, and the, what, seven of us could live together."

"That sounds really fun!" Brian says, chiming in to the conversation, "I say we do it!"

"I'm in too!" AMber says too and then adds, "What about Nikki and Ross are you guys cool with this?"

"Totally, yeah, 'course." Ross says, getting very excited.

"Sure, can't wait." Nikki says as she's weighing her options.

"Great! Thanks guys so much! I'll find a house within this town and we can buy it! I'll keep in touch with you guys and update you with any new information."

"Cool, well not to be rude or anything, but I gotta go, I have work at 12:00." Ross says, putting his jacket back on and moving the chair he was sitting on back to its original position in Carly's room.

"No, no go ahead you guys can all go now, I have to look online for a house anyway, maybe we can meet again tomorrow." I say to make them feel welcome to leave and that they didn't need to stay here any longer, I had said what I needed to.

"Thanks man," Brian says as he's leaving too.

"We'll see you tomorrow Jake, thanks again." Nikki and Amber say, as they are getting up as well.

Well, I have the room to myself I guess for another hour or two while Carly is off with Connor and hanging out and learning stuff. I grab my laptop I had gotten from apparently one of my parent's college friends, she's given it to me after hearing about how we were in a hospital and everything. I don't know how she had found out, but I didn't really care by now. I unlocked it and started to look up houses that were for sale.

I had to keep this a secret though, because I didn't want Carly to find out, I wanted to give her something that was a surprise and with that my plan was in action.

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