Chapter 7

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Jake then says,
"Wait, you've had this happen to you before!?"
"Yes, when I was trying to get to you. It didn't end too well."
Ross, Amber, Percy, Brian and Nikki add in by saying,
"She's right!"
"Well what do we do?"
"I don't know. Fight them?"
"Carly! We're in wheelchairs, how do you think we can do that!?"
"We can try, can't we?"
N:"We just have to try and keep them away. Right?
N:"Get five, four, three..."
B:"So we're fighting them?"
B:"So, yes?"
All:"Yes Brian, we're fighting them (points to guards racing towards us). Ok?"
B:"Yeah, ok."
J: "Carly, what do we do? Do we stay here and 'try' and fight with them?"
C:"Yes! We'll try our best come on, we could run over their feet or trip them somehow or even run into them."
J:"You're right, we could do that! Let's go help them!"
C:"Let's do it!"
(The fight had already started)
R:"So are you two are going to join in or what? We could use a little help here...(points to Nikki and Amber)"
A/N:"Hey mister, watch yourself. You better be careful!"
R:"Okay, okay."
J:"Do you think we have a chance,Carly?"
C:"I have no idea,Jake."
C- I don't know how many guards there were, but like before, there were too many to count...So Jake and I joined the fight, of course we had to set off an alarm and that was the only sound I could hear that was ringing through my ears.
Surprisingly, the seven of us working together, we were kicking the butts of those security guards!
Br:"Nailed it!"
A:"Nailed it??"
Br:"It's like a saying meaning like, 'yes we totally crushed it!'"
N:"Brain, you do know that's as bad as before? Right?"
Br:"I know...(he sighs and just stops talking)."
R:"So where to next?"
J:"How about outside?"
C:"Yes, that sounds perfect!"
As we were ready to go outside the five hit a "pothole in the road."
The seven of us stood frozen in our tracts.
P:"Guys what do we do?!"
R:"There are a line of numerous guards, doctors, nurses, and hospital staff in front of us, blocking our way!!"
A:"Ross, we can all see that...ummm maybe we could sneak around them. I mean we just it before."
C:"Yeah, let's try that."
N:"Okay then, Jake you look right, Percy you cover the left."
J:"Not a chance we can go right Nikki..look!"
All of us turn to look to the right of us... Great just what we need, another line blocking us from escaping...
P:"Nope, I wish I could've say yes, but you told me not to lie anymore, so yep we're  dead."
N:"Dang. I've taught you too well. Anyone else got a plan?"
C:"I've got about we just charge into them?"
J:"No dice, Carly. You'd get destroyed and even more hurt than you are now. Do you really want to take that kind of risk in your condition right now?"
C:"Jake? What do you think?"
J:"Huhhh?! Oh sorry Carly! Ah let's wait for them to make the first move! I don't know what to do."
A:"Okay, so new plan?"
And we all gather up together and whisper to each other trying to figure something out...
Hospital staff line:
Random Doctor:"let's just fight them already, I don't care anymore. We can beat them in our sleep if we wanted to. This'll end in no time at all..."
Carly and Jake:
J/C:" So you guys understand the plan, right?"
Ross, Nikki, Brian, Percy, Amber:"got it!"
J:" well then, let's move!"
With that the seven of us stood our ground... As long as we possibly could!
The fight to escape went something like this Jake and I were the ones who would trip people and run over their feet with our wheelchairs. Ross and Percy charged at people and knock them out, while Nikki and Amber blocked exits for the staff, but looked for places where we can possibly escape this creepy nightmare.
P:"Go, go, go! Move it people!"
J/C:"On it already Percy, you and Ross take your positions, same with you Amber and Nikki!"
N/A:"Already there!"
C:"Jake you ready?"
J:"As ready as I'll ever a wheelchair."
C:"Good, because so am I!"
As soon as I stand my ground with Jake right beside me, a huge security guard from the huge line runs towards me, at full speed ahead! He didn't have any emotion of his face! Not even a blink in his eye! Of course, I wasn't the best person at handing a wheelchair and I don't blame myself. I mean it's not like I got much practice either.
From what happened that day, all I remember is my brother yelling, "CARLY!!" As he was yelling it, I hear it getting softer and softer until I hear nothing...

No Way Out (book 1)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя