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Toby POV

   "I'm going to find her," I murmured to Kayden who was sprawled out onto my chest comfortably with his eyes closed although he wasn't sleeping. I placed the book that I held in my hand on the dresser and stared up at the ceiling.

   Your never going to find her sitting around like this, my conscience scolds me and I nod involuntarily

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   Your never going to find her sitting around like this, my conscience scolds me and I nod involuntarily. I grabbed Kayden's hand that clenched my shirt in his tiny fist and removed it, placing him on top of the bed and getting dressed in my casual clothes.

   Seeing my son the way he was had prevented me from placing him inside of his own room so I had just left, gently closing the door behind myself. "Are you leaving?" Dean asked, leaning against a wall. I sighed in relief,"Yeah, he shouldn't be too much trouble."

   His eyes softened and I was amazed seeing that this was the first time that this has happened with him. "I will keep a good watch on him." he murmured.

   Although I had gotten rid of all workers my dad had thought that at least one guard should stay until I had enough time to keep an eye on my son.

KeIth should have angered me to learn that my dad didn't think that I was paying much attention to Kayden even when I spent most of my days making sure that he was okay at all times but I knew I had taken it the wrong way.

   Reading in between the lines, he wanted me to spend most of my time searching for the girls but he would never admit such words out loud.

   I nodded,"The way I am leaving him is how I want to see him by the time that I get back."

   As I said this my voice was bold and it was the tone that told him that I was serious. It wasn't until he nodded when I had left his presence.

  I was getting into my car when I had received a call from Caleb. "Hello?" I answered, taking notice of the beeping in the background. "What is that?"

   "I decided to come back to the woods," he began and I could tell by his strangled voice that he was having trouble with something. "The noise started going off and I think I may have found something but I need your help."

   "Send me your exact location." I told him before hanging up the phone. He did as I was asked and I recognized the address as the same from when we received the note.

   It hadn't taken me long to get there considering my house wasn't as far from the woods as I had liked. There was a single house next to mine but no one has ever moved into it, people usually checked it out and never returned due to the fact that the house cost nearly as much as mine.

   Moments later I park my car behind Caleb's and make my way down a path that only led me closer to the noise and see Caleb looking at something off in the distance.

   "What are you looking at?" I asked, managing to catch his attention. He lifted a hand and pointed at something,"Before you came there was a figure standing over there." he told me.

   I followed his gaze and saw nothing but swaying leaves, falling onto the rugged ground. My main focus continued to pay most of its attention towards the noise. "It's definitely coming from underground," I admitted, tugging on the basement walk out. "Is something burning?

   "I thought the same exact thing but Ezra is on his way right now with back up." he informed me. Something was off about this whole situation starting with the fact that there was most likely a fire under ground. The door began to push back and fourth on its own so I stood up taking notice of it. "I think the fire might burst out at any given moment." I murmured and Caleb nodded in agreement but put no effort into giving an actual response.

   I stepped off to the side and concentrated for a moment before coming to my last conclusion.
"We don't have time to wait Caleb, someone is in there."

   He gave me a look before running over to me and helping pull. The doors surprised flew open easier with both of our strengths combined and there was a girl sitting on the ground clearly afraid.

   I extended my hand out and grabbed her, lifting her out of the place and laying her on the ground softly. "Do you know your name?" Caleb asked her.

   The room wasn't damaged by a fire but the smoke had to have been coming from somewhere.

  Her mouth trembled before she muttered out her reply. "M-My name is S-Sara H-Harvey."

Spencer POV

I coughed, swatting my hand back and fourth to remove the smoke from blurring my vision. "It's stuck," Alison yelled as she pulled on a wooden door with the help of Aria and Emily. "This was suppose to be our last chance of getting out of here and I thought we could actually pull it off but instead we're all going to die."

   I looked around thinking that there would be some other way out but we trapped between two cemented walls on either side, smog trailing in from behind us, and the wooden door that would lead us to freedom and what I had hoped to be safety.

   The fire was getting closer by the second and over the fire alarm was the sound of it getting closer. "There has to be another way-"

   "There is no other way Emily." I cut her off rudely feeling as tears clouded my vision but soon cleared up as I blinked back all of my tears. Hanna and I took our positions and we all began to push simultaneously with the heat making it ten times harder.

   I felt as if I was going to pass out but I had pushed through that feeling and gave it my all. Suddenly the door popped open and relief had taken over as we all began making our way out with a trail of smoke following behind us.

   I breathed in and out the cold air looking around to see a figure running deep within the forest. We weren't the ones that had managed to get the door open on our own.

   "Freeze!" someone whose voice was full of authority yells. My head snaps in that direction to see police officers making their way over to us but I didn't hear any sirens. They all put their guns away and I felt myself getting lifted from the ground,"It's Spencer Hastings and her friends, get them to the ambulance." someone yelled.

   I looked over to Hanna, Aria, and Emily then frowned.
"A-Alison is still in there," I murmured under my breath. I looked around hoping to see her but it was no use. "She didn't make it out of the fire."

   I had thought that the five of us would have made it out together. Alison had been so determined to get us out of there although I knew she could have left at any given moment.

   The wooden door had become nothing as fire crowded over it and my heart ached.

   This wasn't the plan.

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