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I sat in the bathroom with my back against the wall, knee's pulled to my chest and eyes shut tightly to prevent tears from falling.
"I keep telling you, all of this stress isn't doing you any good." Toby said after flushing the toilet which I had just tossed my cookies into.

"I know I just. . ." I tailed off not knowing what else to say. Once the feeling of nausea had left my I stood up wiping at my eyes. "I haven't really been thinking about the notes or anything so I haven't really been stressing over anything."

Toby pulled the toilet seat down then grabbed my arm pulling me to sit down on it. "Did you eat something you shouldn't have?" Toby asked me.
"I don't think so." I responded tiredly.

Toby sighed then knelled down in front of me. "I don't want you to come to work today." he told me. I frowned knowing that I wasn't in a state to argue at the moment. "What about all of the papers I haven't went through yet?" I asked.

"I'll have someone take care of it," he assured me as he lifted me bridal style. "I want you to stay in bed and rest."

"All day?"

"Until I get back."

My frown deepened even more at this. "Toby you don't get back until late at night." I said as I was laid onto the bed softly, and almost immediately I curled into a ball.

Toby pulled the cover over me and warmth quickly spread. "You'll be fine," he assured me. "Lucas and Dean will be right outside the door if you need anything."

Once he said Dean fear had crept up inside of me. His eyes widened as he shook his head,"I didn't mean that Dean," he said. "I'm sorry I forgot."

Relief took over and my breathing which I haunt known had quickened slowed back to its original pace. "It's fine." I mumbled before letting loose the yawn I had been fighting keep back.

"Go to sleep," he demanded before kissing my forehead. "I love you."

I closed my eyes, snuggling into the pillow more than I already was. "I love you too." I mumbled.

He kissed my forehead one last time before I was welcomed with sleep.

"Daddy where are you going?" four year old me asked as my father emerged from his bedroom. He looked down at me and smiled.

"I'm just going for a jog," he replied as he knelled down until he was at my height. "Go back to your room."

"But I want to see mommy." I told him and he frowned. "Spencer one isn't the time your going to have to wait."


"Because-" he was cut off by someone I had never seen before. "Peter there is some things we need to discuss."

The man then looked down at me then smirked. "Who is this?" the man asked. I ran behind my fathers leg as if it would make me invisible at any moment.

"Don't worry about it Wilden what do you want?" my father asked crossing his arms over his chest.
"I thought I told you to call me Dean?" he asked not once taking his eyes off of me.

"Whatever," my father replied with a roll of his eyes. "I don't have time for you so your going to have to come back later."

"Actually I believe I scheduled an appointment with your assistant," he reminded my father. My father turned to me then lifted me into his arms. "I came back because of a deal we made but there's been a little change of plans."

His smirk only grew wider at his statement causing me to shrink in my fathers arms.
"Enough of your games-"

"Who said I was playing?" the guy that went by the name of Dean asked rhetorically. "I'm starting to think you've gone soft."

"Spencer I'm taking you back to your room I have something I need to handle." my father mumbled. As we walked past Dean he eyed me a final time before entering my parents bedroom.

"He's scary." I admitted more to myself. My father nodded his head.
"You don't have to worry about Dean lets just say. . . he's my boss."

We entered my room and he sat me down in front of my toys. "Stay here." he said before exiting my room.

Waking up from my sleep I almost screamed when I came face to face with Lucas.

"What are you doing in here?" I asked scooting back a little. He tucked his hands in his pockets then shrugged. "I kind of got tired of standing out there and it seemed way to quiet in here," he told me, tucking his hands into his back pockets. "Toby also wanted me to see if you were awake."

I got out of bed and Lucas gave me a disapproving look. "I believe Toby wanted you to-" I cut him off.

"I feel fine and I'm just going to the bathroom." I told him. He moved aside letting me pass by. I went into the bathroom, closing the door behind me then walked over to the sink to splash some water on my faced trying to get rid of the flashback.

There was a lot of things that I needed to know that Toby wouldn't approve of me doing on my own.

Has he called me? I thought to myself as I reopened the bathroom door to see that Lucas had left the room.

Walking over to the dresser I grabbed my phone and seen that there was several missed call but it wasn't from him.

Hesitantly, I called the number back and someone answered on the second ring. I recognized the voice perfectly.

"Spencer I'm sorry I called so much its just. . . you haven't called and I was starting to think that you didn't forgive me." she said honestly. I could picture the frown on her face as she said this.

"I do forgive you I was sleeping and I had the strangest memory." I admitted, looking around to make sure that I was actually alone.

"A memory?" she asked. "That's great what was it?"
"Do you know anything about Dean or Wilden?" I asked.

The line went silent before her response had finally came in. "I've heard of Wilden but that was long ago, I hardly remember what he looks like." she admitted.

"So Wilden is his real name." I mumbled to myself.
"What do you mean?" she asked me. "Did something happen?"

"A lot actually- too much to explain over the phone."

"I should be out there in a few days we can talk about it if you want?" she asked me. I nodded although she couldn't see. Lucas walked in from the balcony just as I was about to respond mouthing words, asking who I was speaking to.

"Yes Melissa that sounds great I have to go."

I hung up before she could say anything else then tossed my phone onto the bed.
"I was talking to my sister."

"Your sister?" he asked raising a brow. "I thought she was. . . you know."
"There's a lot you don't know," I admitted raising a finger before he could say anything else. "A lot I could never tell you."

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