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Toby POV

Entering Spencer's room I saw her laying down with Kayden peacefully sleeping on her chest. Gently closing the door behind myself I made my way over to the two and carefully grabbed Kayden so that I could place him inside of the bassinet.

Once he was settled I turned to Spencer and knelled down beside her, taking it upon myself to grab her hand. "Babe look at me," I said softly and she surprisingly complied but hurt still laced in her eyes.

I squeezed her hand gently and sighed,"Alison means nothing to me." I admitted, my voice coming out tiredly as the time was now going on four o'clock in the morning.

She closed her eyes tightly but was betrayed as a tear trailed down her cheek. My heart squeezed in my chest knowing that I was the reason for this. "I just thought," she paused opening her eyes as I wiped away her tear. "Alison being back would ruin things between us-"

I cut her off shaking my head. "It did," I admitted quietly. "The moment she walked through that door you stopped trusting me."

It was her turn to shake her head, taking her hand away from mine to wipe the rest of her tears. "Your not that one that I don't trust," she admitted, I felt relief rush through me. "You heard her, she said that she gets what she want and by all of the stories I've heard I wasn't sure if you'd want to be with me anymore."

She sat up completely and looked down at me. "At first I was shocked to see Alison but there was no emotion there- I even thought she was the one sending you those threats," I got up from my position to pace. "I'm not so sure anymore."

"She must know something about the notes that we don't." yawning she lied back down on the bed but moved back making room for me but I didn't take it.

"I can see that your still sore." I pointed out. She shrugged her shoulders,"If you want me to sleep you have to stay with me."

Sighing I walked over to the bed and laid down next to her, quickly noticing how uncomfortable it was but I didn't complain.

Gently I pulled her to me and she sighed. "Your always so tense." I murmured into the exposed part of her neck.

She hadn't responded so I assumed that she had fallen asleep until she tilted my chin up so I was looking at her.

"I'm thinking that Alison is working with one of the guards because there is no way she could have gotten passed them so easily."

I narrowed my eyes in confusion. Would one of my guards actually do this? I asked myself.

There was no one in particular that had come to mind that would have wanted to hurt Spencer but a guard working on the inside would make much more sense.

"The guards are always around so it would make much more sense but Caleb found three targets which was Jenna, Wilden, and the third still remains a mystery."

"Jenna and Wilden are together most of the time, I've never seen them with a third wheel."

I nodded in agreement. "I haven't either but I think I can get Jenna's phone next week during Thanksgiving dinner," I said. "She plays her flute before we eat I don't think you-" I but myself off not wanting to get into this new subject but it was too late.

"You don't think I remember," she rolled her eyes as she concluded my sentence. "In my dads note he also mentioned that you and I have met before and your right I don't remember but I want to."

"Your memory will return on its own." I assured her. She shook her head,"Where did we meet and why can't I remember you?"

Pulling her closer so I no longer had to look her in the eyes I began to explain. This was something I had been wanting to tell her for a while now.

"When we were younger we always sat in the woods talking but when I had left with my dad on a business trip that lasted longer then expected, a few years later I came back and you had no clue who I was- I called your make but you looked at me then looked away," I paused.

"I thought that you were just upset about something so I waited for you to come to the woods at the same exact time as usually but you never came so I stopped going."

She sucked in a shaky deep breath,"The day I walked into your office and the moment you touched me it felt familiar but I still can't remember you in my past."

Familiar: Well known for long or close association.

The definition had never been more clear inside of my mind. The moment I had took hold of Spencer I felt the exact same thing.

The moment I had looked her inside of her beautiful chocolate eyes I felt the familiar sensation that brought back memories.

I also felt angry remembering the fact that she had forgotten me but her bruises took that emotion away from me and replaced it with sympathy.

Before Spencer had entered my life once again I had been a cold soul. Alison seemed to be the only thing to get my mind off of her but this was something that I would have to keep to myself.

Spencer POV

"Toby?" I asked continuing to shake him. He had finally broken out of his thoughts and looked at me curiously but I was worried. "If one of the guards ate helping Alison who can we trust to be around?"

He gave me a reassuring smile before answering. "When my parents had moved back into their house I had already decided that workers wouldn't be needed around the house."

I know that I should be happy he said that but then I had to think about all of the workers. "What about Emily and the others?"

His smile hadn't faded but he chuckled lightly,"Everyone has a place to live but with my dad around I have them stay at my house."

I nodded my head although the new arrangement held a few more questions in my mind and yawned letting my eyes close shut involuntarily. "When can we leave?" I asked but it came out in muffles into his chest.

He chuckled and I felt his teeth skim over the sensitive part of my neck twice and I could tell that the second time wasn't an accident.

I hit his arm so that he would stop but he laid butterfly kisses on my neck making it almost impossible to concentrate.

He pulled away smirking and I rolled my eyes refusing to start a discussion about what had just happened.

I closed my eyes and my mind and began dozing off to sleep, my mind drifting off along with me simultaneously. "Babe?" Toby asked and I smiled faintly as I made a humming noise so he knew that I was listening. "I love you."

"I love you too."

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