May 16th 2016

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Sarah, xx


"I am finally a free man!"


"Ding, dong, the witch is gone!"

"Be nice."

"That was me being nice."

"I take it Jasmine is on her way home, then."

"I escorted her onto the plane myself."

"How chivalrous."

"It had nothing to do with chivalry. I just needed to make sure she was on the damn thing, that's all."


"That was me still being nice. Honest."

"You're a terrible liar, Whitaker."

"I have great poker fact, though."

"That means nothing to me."

"Probably not. Are you happy to have your assistant back?"

"She's not back yet, but when she finally arrives, I will kiss the ground she walks on. Metaphorically, not literally, because that would be disgusting."

"Good to hear. Are you going to ask her for a progress report?"

"For the fundraiser? I thought that was already a done deal."

"Not on the fundraiser. A progress report on me."

"Do I need a progress report?"

"I don't know. You tell me."

"I didn't ask for one, so I don't expect to get one."

"That's good."

"Doesn't mean that I won't get one, nonetheless."


"Jasmine likes to gossip and she'll give me the low-down on you whether I ask for it or not. I hope you've been a good boy, Whitaker."

"So do I."

"That doesn't sound promising."

"Whatever I do, Jasmine would probably twist it to suit her own motive."

"In a shocking twist, I can actually make up my own opinions and draw my own conclusions. I don't need someone whispering in my ear. If I want to think ill of you, I can do that without Jasmine twisting anything."

"And do you? Think ill of me, that is?"

"Um... not today."

"Not today? Well, that's not very reassuring."

"Today, I actually quite like you."


"Jesus, there's no pleasing you today."

"You can make it up to me."

"I don't even want to ask."

"What are you wearing?"

"You're obsessed with this question."

"I'm obsessed with you."

"I'm wearing a black leather pencil skirt and a see-through white blouse with a lace bra underneath."

"Is there anything under the skirt?"

"Yes. My dignity."

"Touché. That's better than nothing, I suppose."

"You're such a pervert, Daniel."

"Don't you want to know what I'm wearing?"

"What are you wearing, Daniel?"

"A smile."

"You mean, a stupid bloody smirk."


"What are you doing tonight?"

"Watching Game of Thrones."

"What? I thought you didn't like Game of Thrones."

"I don't, but you do so I'm familiarising myself with it."

"That's sweet. But if you think I'm doing the same with The Walking Dead, think again. I don't do zombies."

"Never asked you to."

"Hey, Daniel?"


"You know Emma's wedding?"

"What about it?"

"You're staying at my house."

"Yes, on the couch."

"What about an upgrade to a bed?"

"Now you're talking."

"Don't flatter yourself. You're in the guest bedroom."

"You've just shattered all my dreams, Soph."

"Suck it up. It's the guest room or a street corner."

"What happened to the option of staying at the hotel?"

"Revoked. So, make your choice. Choose wisely."

"I take the bed."


"You so want me."

"In your dreams."

"Every night."

"In that case, I'm gonna let you go and have sweet dreams of me. Love you, bye, baboon."

"Haha, love you too, 'gator."

"Hello?" Pt. 1Where stories live. Discover now