May 9th 2016

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Unedited. But kinda cute!

Sarah xx


"I think Nola hates me."

"Me too."

"Is this because of Alfie?"

"Good guess."

"Hm... well, tough. She can hate me because there's no way she was having our dog."

"God, we're so mean. Depriving a seven year old of a dog."

"I'd like to say that I feel guilty, but I don't. Not even in the slightest."

"Me neither."

"She'll get over it, won't she?"

"Probably. Elias made the fatal error of promising to get her a puppy, so... I think she'll survive not having Alfie in her life."

"God, I'd rather die than have a puppy. They're so naughty. At least Alfie was trained before coming home."

"True. Talking of homes, will I be staying at yours during my stay for Emma's wedding?"

"That depends."


"Are you going to make more perverted comments about you, me and the possibility of having sex?"

"Wait, having sex was a possibility?"

"No! Get your head out of the gutter, Daniel. Honestly. You're an Earl, for Christ's sake!"

"What's that got to do with it? I'm a man. We have urges."

"Well, keep your urges in check."

"Easier said than done."

"So I've noticed."

"Ok, I'll stop with the perverted comments."


"As long as you tell me what you're wearing."



"I'll go one better. I'll send you a photo."




"Ok, I'm sending it."

"Can't wait."

"What do you think?"

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"What do you think?"

"Not exactly what I was expecting, but... It's an improvement on what you usually look like."

"Well, look who'll be sleeping on the couch."

"The couch?"


"Hello?" Pt. 1Where stories live. Discover now