February 9th, 2016

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"Where are you?"

"In the car. Why, where are you?"

"Urgh, I don't even think I could begin to tell you."

"Ok... you don't sound happy. Happy Birthday, by the way."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Never mind my birthday. Charlotte took me to Gillespie House."

"I know. She told me last night where we were going. She's had to change the venue several times because you've been prying."

"Why didn't anyone have the sense to tell her not to bring me here? I mean, hello!"


"I hate this place. With a passion."

"Any particular reason you dislike Gillespie House?"


"Which would be?"

"If I told you, I'd have to kill you."

"Sophie, it's your birthday and Charlotte has put a lot of effort into it, so don't be-"

"Ungrateful? Daniel, Charlotte knows how much- and why- I hate this place. Still, she organised for my birthday drinks to be here. I'm not being ungrateful, I just think she's torturing me and I'm trying to escape. Look, I even have an accomplice."

"Hugo, per chance?"


"Sophie, it's just one night. Suck it up."



"I want to got to Lola's Bar."

"Do I dare ask what Lola's Bar is?"

"It's a drag place in Soho. Like the song."

"What song?"

"Lola, by The Kinks. It's where my Drag Queen ex works. I told you he performs every year on my birthday, right? Well, why didn't Charlotte take me there, huh?"

"Maybe because taking you to Gillespie House was classier."

"Do you even know me? Who the fuck said I do classy? I want to got to a drag bar. I want to go to Lola's Bar. Champagne at Gillespie House is not my idea of birthday fun."


"Are you almost here? I figured, seeing as you're already in a car, when you arrive here, Hugo and I can jump in and the three of us go to Lola's Bar."

"And what about Charlotte?"

"Fine, I'll text her on the way there and let her know that we've gone."

"Or you could tell her before you skip out on her and your friends."

"She'll only create a scene. Or she'll guilt trip me into staying. Both are equally horrific."

"How about a compromise? If you tell me why you want to leave Gillespie House, I'll take you to the drag bar. If you don't tell me why you hate it there, I'll get my driver to stop a few streets away so you can't hitch a ride to Soho. Deal?"

"You're a sadistic piece of work, Daniel Whitaker."

"Is it a deal, Sophie Clément?"

"... I suppose it'll have to be."

"Ok, I'm all ears."

"A few years ago, it was mine and my boyfriend's anniversary. It wasn't a big one, but it was something for us to celebrate. We came to Gillespie House and it was that weekend that I found out that he was married. His wedding ring fell out of the pocket of his jeans as we were... anyway, I don't like being here because it reminds me of everything that happened with him since then. Happy now?"

"Hello?" Pt. 1Where stories live. Discover now