May 10th 2016

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Sorry for the later than usual update. I was holding this update as a hostage that wouldn't get released until I updated Good Morning, Beautiful I needed motivation to finish that update, so... yeah!

But here it is, in all its unedited glory.

Sarah, xx


"How is it going?"

"Why are you whispering?"

"Because. So, how is it going? You're still alive, I see."

"Yes, I'm still alive. Barely. Your mother's been shooting daggers at me all afternoon, though."

"Literally or metaphorically?"

"Metaphorically. Why, would she literally shoot daggers at me?"

"Possibly. She's French, so you never know."

"God, you're not instilling much confidence in me, Soph."




"You ok?"

"Yep. Great. Dandy. So... back to the board meeting. Tell me what's going on."

"I thought you already knew what's going on."

"Well, between my mother and Samuel texting me updates, I'm kinda up to speed, but I just wanted to hear it from your point of view."

"Your mother and my brother are texting you during the meeting"

"Um... no?"

"We're discussing possible fundraisers for the foundation."

"How's that going?"

"Battle of wits at the moment."

"How come?"

"Your mother and my grandmother are currently locked in a battle about what they think would be a good fundraiser to do."

"Who is winning?"

"Hard to tell. Your mum is yelling in French and my grandmother is yelling in German. So... I'm not proficient in either language."

"Connie's yelling in German?"


"And she's yelling German at my mother?"


"Haha. Go back in there and record the damn thing!"


"Because that is hilarious. Seriously, go film it!"

"I'm not filming it!"

"Spoil sport. Fine, I'll just text Samuel and ask him to do it instead."

"You do that."

"Done. Right, back to this fundraising. I have an idea, ok?"


"But you've got to pass it off as your own."


"Well, you know how the Met Gala happens every year in New York? Well, what if we did something similar in London?"

"Is that possible?"

"It could be. With the right people in place and with the right backing, it's do-able."

"Hello?" Pt. 1Where stories live. Discover now