March 20th 2016

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"Where are you?"


"Well, yes, I know that. I've been ringing your doorbell for the last five minutes."

"Why are you at my house?"

"I thought we could hang out. I brought wine and dessert and The Phantom of the Opera on DVD."

"Sorry, I'm not there."

"Obviously. I even pressed my ear to your letter box to see if your phone was ringing inside and you were just avoiding me."

"Why would I be avoiding you?"

"Oh, um... I don't know, but you might be."

"I'm not."

"Good to know."

"Was there anything else you wanted?"

"Where are you?"

"I'm out."

"Yes, where?"

"I'm having afternoon tea."

"Nice. In Claridge's?"

"At Connie's, actually."

"Is that a new place? I've never heard of it before."



"I'm at Connie's. As in, your grandmother, Connie."

"You're with my grandmother?"


"Is there anyone else with you?"

"Nope, just us two."

"You're there unsupervised?"

"I think I'm old enough to go out without adult supervision."

"Not with my grandmother!"

"You have a problem with me being with your gran?"



"God knows what she's going to tell you! Why are you even there?"

"I'm interviewing her for the article."

"You could have asked!"

"You'd have said 'no.'"

"For good reason! What has she told you already?"

"Nothing I didn't already know."

"Is she around right now?"


"May I speak with her?"

"... She's shaking her head."

"I'll come over, you know."

<<Fabulous. I'd like an explanation as to why he wasn't here last Sunday.>>

"I was with you last weekend, Soph. Tell her that."

"She already knows, Daniel."

"Then tell her to stop being so dramatic."

"I happen to like her dramatics."

"Matches your dramatics, probably."

"Exactly, we're kindred spirits."

"I hate it that you're with my grandmother."

&quot;Hello?&quot; Pt. 1Where stories live. Discover now