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“She’s dead!” Adrian cried. “She’s dead! She’s gone!”

He placed his head in his hands. “Why did she die?”

“Adrian, it’s only a movie.” I smirked up at him.

“It’s a stupid movie!” He glared at the screen.

“It’s actually quite good; ‘A Walk to Remember’ is a tear jerker.” I admitted, staring up at him. He looked almost the same as he did four years ago, just a bit older.                

“I didn’t cry.” He threatened me with his eyes, his beautiful eyes. The doorbell rang loudly throughout our small house, pulling us out of our bickering.

“You have something in your eye then?” I stood up to go get the door.

“Yes.” He relaxed on the couch.

“It’s tears!” I laughed as I ran to the door.

I heard him sliding across the floor in his socks to come after me. I heard him bang into a wall and I let out a bark of laughter. “Ouch!” I laughed even harder. “I crashed into one of my paintings.”

“You have so much of them that you refuse to sell, Adrian! Put one of those up to replace it.” I laughed.

I swung open the door to reveal Trent and Jessie. Logan and Emilia were getting out of their car. Chase was leaning against the porch beam. I was breathing heavily, still chuckling. “Come on in.”

“Are we interrupting?” Trent raised an eyebrow as he wrapped an arm around Jessie’s waist.

“Yes, only the terrible movie, ‘A Walk to Remember!’” Adrian cried from the hallway behind me. He let out another groan of pain.

“She made you watch that, too?” Trent scowled as he entered our humble abode.

“Yes I did, and he cried like a baby!” I retorted. Trent raised his eyebrows and shook his head at Adrian.

“Jessie made me watch it and I didn’t even shed a tear!” He boasted and Adrian punched his shoulder.

“How’s life in the real world?” I asked Emilia as she entered the house. Emilia and I entered the same field in college, she graduated and I’m getting pretty close to it.

She gave me a long hug before heaving a sigh. “Amazing.” Her sarcasm was lethal. “I hate it. All I get are pain complaints; people don’t actually need a doctor! They just like annoying me, the nurse.”

“I like my internship.” I shrugged and she rolled her eyes before entering the living room.

“Hey, Chase.” I smiled and he smiled back. “The food is in the living room.” I groaned, answering his unanswered question. He nodded rapidly before running into the living room.

Jessie walked in last, encasing me in a large hug much like Emilia just did. “Hey. Where’s the food?” Jessie asked as she let me go. She walked into the kitchen immediately, her eyes searching the room. I rolled my eyes but followed her.

“It’s in the living room.” She nodded, darting into the living room. “You’re obsessed with food, Jessie.”

“You’re obsessed with Adrian.” Jessie snorted, stuffing chips into her mouth. Chase was doing the same thing; he was just lying on the floor instead of sitting beside Trent.

“So she’s an Adrian-aline addict?” Chase snorted in response to Jessie’s comment. Adrian smirked down at me.

“It’s like a drug.” I jokingly muttered while I stared up at Adrian. “He’s like a drug.”

“Your own personal brand of heroine.” Logan stated in a deep, low voice. “Did I get it right that type Em?”

We just laughed at his Edward impersonation. “Try again.” Emilia smiled at Logan.

My phone rang and I asked Adrian to get it for me. “Hello?” He waited a minute. “Cancelled?”

“What’s going on?” I asked, sitting up.

“Your Aunt’s flight got cancelled.” He frowned. He listened for a minute. “Yeah, yeah, yeah. You’re very funny; we aren’t having kids any time soon.”

“We’re still in college!” I shouted, making sure she could hear me. I felt my face warm up and they all laughed at me.

“Okay, we’ll see you tomorrow then.” Adrian hung up the phone. “Can we watch White Chicks?”

We all groaned but started the movie anyway. I leaned my head against Adrian.

Maybe things wouldn’t be perfect forever; we will face obstacles but I’ll fight for him. Maybe he’ll do the same for me. I’m not a time traveler, but I think that we’ll be together for a long time. “I love you.”

“I love you too, Fio.”  


Have any questions? Comment them below and I'll post a Q&A chapter just for those! I really enjoyed writing this book, I hope you enjoyed reading it! :)

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