Chapter 3: The Insult that Hurts (E)

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Chapter 3

I sat in my room, on my bed. I was bored, well, bored didn't even begin to cover it. I stared up at the ceiling, making awkward noises which started out as animal imitations but just began to sound like blubbering. I thought about what Jessie was doing. She was probably dancing and flirting with a guy. I sighed loudly. Why couldn't I be born as outgoing as she was?

I stared at the dark purple clock that sat above my mirror. It ticked loudly, informing me that it has reached 10 o'clock P.M. Usually, I'd be yawning and cuddling in my bed but for some reason, my mind wasn't ready to sleep and neither was my body. I decided to take out a book.

Hey, I might as well live up to my name of 'nerd.' But first, I might as well change just in case I fall asleep with a book in my hand, a common occurrence.

I slid into my dark purple tank top and black sweatpants, tying my hair back into a French braid before I sprawled out onto my bed, opening my book and starting from chapter 1.

I read 10 chapters, and that was enough to realize that this book wasn't getting good anytime soon. I stopped reading and put the book down, sighing loudly as I realized it was 12 A.M and I still wasn't tired. Instead of crying out in frustration, I decided music was the best option. Clicking shuffle on my iPod, I got up and started picking up the trash in my room.       

Music hummed loudly as I slowly traveled across my room, placing all the clothes into either the dirty clothes basket or into my drawers. I didn't have to worry about the music waking up my Aunt Cherry because her room was on the other side of the house, that's if she's asleep. She stayed up late either typing e-mails to her employees or just watching television. I picked up stray pieces of paper, dancing along to the beat of the song.

After about 20 minutes, I began singing along and dancing to the song. My window was cracked open; it was so hot in my room and I feel too lazy to walk all the way downstairs to turn on the air conditioner. Besides, it was windy outside so I was catching a good breeze.

"Nice dance moves." The voice startled me as I stumbled backwards, falling with a thud onto the floor. I slipped on a stray sock. The last thing I was expecting was to be spoken to. Aunt Cherry should stop sneaking up on people. But that voice was male. But my dad isn't home. It sounded younger than that old bat.

"Satan!" I cried out. I slowly pop my head up from beside my bed, looking directly out of my window. That's where the voice sounded like it came from. Slowly, I stood up and inched towards the window to see the worst possible person standing there, laughing- might I add. Easton, Adrian Easton.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, after I turned off my music. He looked amused at my attitude while he kneeled at the window across from mine. I made my way over to the window, grabbing a stool beside it as I propped myself onto it.

"Well, I just came home from a party. It surprises me that you're up. You're usually asleep at this time; I can barely get to sleep with your snoring." He joked... hopefully. Did I snore? How did he know that I'm usually asleep at 2 AM? Any normal person is. Not really, he isn't. Is he normal? Point proven.

"No I meant what are you doing next door? And how do you know that I'm usually sleeping at 2 in the morning? And I don't snore!" I defended, questioning him curiously but still maintaining my attitude.

"Boy, don't you talk a lot," He snorted. I just glared at him, he expected a response before he continued. "I see you're in a joking mood." He stated sarcastically, raising his eyebrows.

"Are you going to answer my questions?" I asked, giving him a flat look. He laughed before he looked at me with a look of stupidity.

"Well, what do you think? I mean, why am I here right now- at 2 in the morning and I know that you're not up at this time. I also know that you do snore; in fact, you should close your windows. I also know that you're not the best singer... or dancer. And again, close your windows." He said, wincing slightly towards the latter of his sentence.

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