Chapter 29: Welcome to Laser Tag, Population: Problems.

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Chapter 29

I stared at the board ahead of me, bored out of my mind. Why did teachers have to make lessons so boring? The majority of the class was out of it and a few were staring at the board, watching as he scribbled nonsense in his sloppy cursive writing onto it.

Friday’s were supposed to be the highlights of a student’s week, but I was anything but excited. Sure, the weekend meant that Aunt Cherry was going to be flying in on Sunday. But it also meant that I was going to have to go to viola practice and show off the song I’ve been practicing for hours at a time.

When the class ended, I was the first out of the door. Today was my last day of detention and I was going to get it over with. Yesterday, I learned that the detention teacher we have on Thursdays and Fridays leaves halfway through it to ‘go to the bathroom’ but they just ditch their job and go to Taco Bell.

Unlike the other kids, I stayed in the classroom yesterday and I planned to do the same today. Who knows if the principal would do a surprise checkup? I know it may seem nerdy but I don’t want to get another week of detention because then they’d make sure my mother was called. I didn’t really want to face her wrath.

When I entered the room with my bag slung over my shoulder, I’d drawn attention from everyone in the room. There were about five people there, two of which were girls.

“What are you doing here?” One of the girls glanced at me before rolling her eyes.

“I swear, they give detentions to just about anybody nowadays.” The other girl retorted with an eye roll. Is detention a prize? 

“I’ve been here for the last four days.” I snapped back, taking a seat that I’d claimed as my own, or at least for these four days.

The girls stayed quiet and the teacher soon entered the room with a clipboard and told us to sign in. I did as told and went back to my seat, starting on my homework. I might as well get something done while I’m in here.

“I’m going to the bathroom, I expect you guys to stay where you are.” The teacher stated, grabbing his bag. He gripped his rolling suitcase in the other hand. How can he make us believe that he’s ‘going to the bathroom’ when he’s literally moving out of the classroom?

They waited five minutes until we heard his familiar car engine speeding out of the parking lot. They got up and grabbed their bags, the clock striking 4:15 PM. He left a bit later than he did yesterday.

The two girls saw me staying in my spot before they scoffed, their heels clacking on their way out of the room. I just rolled my eyes. I heard their heels come to a halt in the doorway. I didn’t bother looking up.

“Hey.” One of the girls said cheerfully. I didn’t bother to look up; it was obvious that she wasn’t talking to me.

“Hello.” The other girl spoke breathily. Was she having an asthma attack?

“Excuse me.” I heard footsteps shuffling forward, in my direction.

“Fio.” Adrian greeted me, approaching my desk. I raised an eyebrow when I finally looked up. I looked over his shoulder to see one of the girls glaring daggers at me while the other one was staring dreamily at Adrian’s back.

“Hey, Adrian; hey, doesn’t the game start soon?” I asked him, tearing my gaze from the love-struck girls mid-sentence.

“Yep.” He replied, grabbing my folders and notebooks from under my arms and forcing them into my bag. I glared at him.

“Why aren’t you out there? And what are you doing?” I asked him, reaching for my bag but he zipped it and slung it over his shoulder. I just realized that he was in his football attire. That’s why she was staring at his back. I would be, too.

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