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I hadn't expected to get so much attention when Bryn and I had returned to the Cistern to pack for Solitude. Vex, Ton, and even Sapphire came to inspect the ring. Etienne patted me on the shoulder and wished me the best of luck. Old Del gave me the smuggest grin, repeatedly muttering, "I called it," under his breath. All in all, the Guild's mood was warm and happy, which put my mind at ease.

I was afraid they would react like Maven had.

Once we were packed, I asked Bryn if we could take a quick detour by Nightgate Hall to see Karliah. I wanted to hear what she had to say, and I also wanted her blessing. I was concerned with what she would say. After all, her own romantic involvement with her fellow Nightingale had ended in tragedy.

When we arrived, we only had to press a certain stone button by the entrance, and the boulder guarding the door slid away. We entered the Hall like true thieves: silently.

I was surprised, as well as impressed, with how Karliah had cleaned up the hall. A few simple beds and nightstands had been set up in a common living space. A table and chairs had also been placed close by. A bookshelf halfway filled with old tomes was placed against one wall. Banners bearing the Nightingales' symbol hung proudly from the ceiling, and dark rugs ran along the stone floor.

Karliah herself stepped from the armory when she heard our approach. She had her hood down, revealing her chestnut brown hair and pointed gray ears. Her violet eyes lit up, and a smirk curled on her dark lips. Her delight to see us was evident all over her face.

"Welcome, fellow Nightingales," she greeted, walking towards us. "I hadn't expected a visit so soon. To what do I owe the pleasure?"

My throat suddenly became very dry. "Well, you see, Karliah..."

"The lass here wanted to come by and tell you that we were getting married," said Brynjolf after I made it clear that a Khajiit had my tongue.

Karliah's smile broadened. "This is news I had been hoping to hear."

"So you don't think it's a mistake?" I asked, throat still dry.

"Why would it be? Nocturnal does not forbid marriage. In fact, she promotes loyalty among her Nightingales. I don't think that anyone can get more loyal than a couple bonded in marriage."

"It's just that... some higher power seemed to be at work, trying to force Bryn and me apart. Mercer tried to keep us away from one another, and Maven Black-Briar told me she didn't think it wise for me to continue courting Bryn."

"It was just a test, lass," said Bryn as he dropped an arm over my shoulders. "To prove how serious we were about this."

Karliah nodded. "I concur, Brynjolf."

"So we have your blessing?" I asked.

"Of course, Femke. Not that you need my blessing. You can do whatever you please. My opinion shouldn't matter."

"It does matter to me. You're one of my best friends, after all."

Her smile widened just a fraction. "I am glad that you have a chance, Femke. A chance at something Gallus and I could've had, if he had not been killed." Her eyes filled with sadness and her smile faded. "But do not feel sorry for me. He awaits me in the Evergloam, and we will be reunited again some day. You should go. Waste no time. For you don't know how much time you'll actually have."

I hugged her, catching her off guard. She stiffened for a moment, but then loosened up. Eventually, she returned my embrace.

"Thank you, Karliah. You continue to be a true friend."

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