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I twirled the knife point into the table in front of me, watching as the tip burrowed itself deeper into the damp board. Beside me sat a plate of cooled food and a tankard of mead, neglected and untouched. I could not bring myself to eat or drink. Not yet, at least. Not after...

Would you get over yourself? She's not yours. She never will be.

"Oh, I know that face," said Delvin as he sat down in the seat across from me. "What're ya broodin' about, Bryn?"

"None of your business."

He sighed. "Look, it's been a week since they left. They haven't come back yet. Aren't you at least a little concerned?"

I shook my head. "No. They probably got rid of Karliah, and now they're going to run away together. Leave the Guild to fall apart."

"Now since when are you such a pessimist? I remember a Brynjolf who would get excited whenever a new face showed up in Riften. A Brynjolf who'd do his best to recruit fresh talent. A Brynjolf who loved this Guild more than anything else." He bumped my hand with his own. "And now look at what you've done to yourself."

I said nothing, only watched my knife dig deeper into the table.

"Bryn, don't pretend you're not a little concerned about this. This ain't right."

"If something were wrong, Mercer would send word."

"Maybe, but what if he can't send his word? What if Karliah—"

I slammed my fist to the table, making the knife fall to the side. "What is it that you want me to do?"

"Look for them. I know you want to."

"And how do you know that?"

"You have a travel bag prepared already. You're just trying to convince yourself to go. If ya want t' prove your love for that lass, go lookin' for her."

"I don't need to prove anything. She's already got someone."

Delvin actually had the audacity to laugh in my face. "You think she and Mercer are...?" His laughing subsided, and he wiped the back of his hand over his eye. "You are so blind."

"I'm blind?"

"Yes. You ain't seen the way that girl gets all flustered 'round you? Talkin' about you makes her cheeks red. It's adorable, really, seein' someone like her get all flustered over you. I can promise ya she don't get flustered like that over Mercer."

I raised an eyebrow. "Are you saying this just to make me go?"

"No, Bryn. Why would I do that?" He shrugged one shoulder. "I know that she likes ya. You like her. What better reason do ya need to go searching for her?" He jerked his head towards the entrance to the Cistern. "Go to Shor's Stone, first. They would've had to pass through there, since they took the north road last week. When ya find her, sweep her off her feet. And just watch her. She'll get all hot and bothered over you."

I growled under my breath, my fist clenched. He put up a good argument. And he was not wrong about my wanting to go. I really wanted to. They were family, after all, and their disappearance was unsettling.

Then why don't you go?

I shook my head and stood up. "Damn you, Delvin, and your honeyed words."

He chuckled at me. "Best be off, Bryn. Sun's gettin' low."

I took off at a jog towards the Cistern. If I hurried, I could get to Shor's Stone before nightfall. It may have just been a mining colony, but it was bisected by the main road leading to Windhelm and Winterhold. Many people passed on that road, and maybe the miners in the village would be able to tell me if they saw Mercer or Femke recently.

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