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I knew Riften was a city full of low people, but I didn't think the guards would be as low as to demand a visitor's tax from a poor woman who obviously didn't have two septims to rub together.

I wrapped my arms around my body, trying to keep warm in the freezing deluge pouring down on my head. My ragged clothes did nothing to protect me from the rain. The cold cobbles beneath my bare feet struck icy shivers into my calloused soles, only making me colder than I was before.

"Please," I begged. "Please just let me get out of the rain. Can't I at least sleep under there?" I pointed to the tunnel leading to the city's door, where the guards were standing to avoid the rain.

"No, you can't," the guard said, placing a hand on his sword. I couldn't see his expression underneath his masked helmet, but I knew he was wearing a face of impatience. "Now get out of here. Riften has enough beggars. We don't need anymore." His voice changed, tone on the border of menacing. "Especially elven beggars."

I set my jaw. I wasn't an elf. Well, at least not a full-blooded elf. My father was Bosmeri, but my mother was Nord. I just took most of my father's traits, like his ears, slanted eyes, high cheekbones, darker skin, and lithe build. I inherited my mother's green eyes and long, silky charcoal hair. My Bosmer blood was strong. And because of it, I was hated by both the Nords and the elves.

How wonderful, I thought to myself, my sarcasm thick even within my own mind.

"Did you hear me, elf?" The guard took a small step forward, his tone still hateful. "Get out of here."

"But where am I supposed to go?"

He drew his sword, causing his fellow guard to do the same. "Do you think I care? Now leave!"

Trying to keep a brave face, I turned and walked away, my legs shaking with fatigue. I had already spent all day hiking over the rough and mountainous terrain that was the Rift. I had been attacked by wolves, chased by bandits, and run straight out of Ivarsted. Riften was the closest hold from there. I was hoping to at least have four walls to keep me safe for tonight.

But that was apparently hope misplaced.

The rain started coming down harder, making it nearly impossible to see. My head bobbed as I stumbled down the path. My arms fell to my sides, swinging around with every faltering step. I needed rest. I needed food. I needed...

I tripped over a loose cobblestone, falling face-first into the mud. I lay there, cold, hungry, and exhausted, without making an effort to get up. I couldn't get up, even if I wanted to. I had no strength.

This is what I get for being reckless and stupid. Perhaps I deserve to die.

On the path nearby, two pairs of footsteps and two voices, one male and one female, approached my motionless form. The man said something that made the woman laugh.

Maybe these people would help me. If I could just get their attention.... "He... help," I wheezed, turning onto my side. "Help...." My eyes rolled back into my head. If I had the energy, I would've been shivering, but I was drained.

"Hold up, Vex," the man said, his voice accented and only a few feet away. "What's this here?"

"Looks like a poor wench who got mugged," the woman said, her tone sharp and critical. "Come on, Bryn. She's not worth our time."

"Not worth our time? The poor lass must've tried to enter the city, but got turned out. I think we should help her."

"Since when are you a saint? Come on, let's just get back."

The man, Bryn, cleared his throat. A big, rough, and warm hand touched my shoulder. "Lass? Can you hear me?"

I cracked one eye open, my vision too blurred to make out anything other than two vague shapes of people.

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