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I met with Byrnjolf just a couple hours after dawn. He wasn't wearing his black armor, and was now donning a smart set of fine blue clothes. And I found that he was even more handsome when his hair wasn't soaked with rainwater.

After I woke up this morning, I found a simple red dress waiting for me on a dresser. While I had been eager to put it on, get out of my other, ratty clothes, I had no idea who'd gotten it for me. Part of me hoped it wasn't the redhead standing in front of me.

But only part of me.

"Sleep well, lass?" he asked, his lilting voice chipper even in the early hour.

"I have a name," I said with a small grin. "And yes, I did sleep well. Thanks to you."

He returned my grin with one of his own. "Well, ready to go to work?"

"I suppose. Even if I didn't want to, I owe you for saving my life. Stealing—I mean, 'moving' a ring is the least I can do."

He nodded, pointing to the Argonian across the way. "That's Madesi."

"His stall is the one I'm breaking into, yes?"

"Aye. And over there," He shifted, gesturing to the Dark Elf selling general goods, "is Brand-Shei. The one you're framing."

"Any reason why we're framing him?"

"A client wants him out of business, and has enlisted our help. We don't work like the Dark Brotherhood, so no killing. Even if you get caught."

I swallowed. Getting caught hadn't even crossed my mind. Guards had a tendency to kill those who they caught stealing. Even if it was just a little apple or carrot. "What happens if I get caught?"

"Don't worry. My name still has some weight. They won't hurt you."

That was a relief. "I'll need a few lock picks."

Discreetly, Bryn passed me a small, rolled-up cloth. I unrolled it and found five lock picks inside. Should be more than enough.

"Just let me know when you're ready," Bryn said as I slipped four of the lock picks into a pouch on my belt. The last one I slipped under my sleeve, so I would have easy access to it.

"I'm ready whenever you are."

He have me a wink, then sauntered over to the only empty stall in the marketplace. He raised his voice and called, "Everyone, gather 'round! I have something to show you!"

The Dunmer merchant, Brand-Shei, sat on a couple crates next to his stand, arms crossed and gray face twisted into a scowl. "What is it this time, Brynjolf?"

So Bryn had a reputation? Why wasn't I surprised?

As Brynjolf advertised his product, some placebo cure-all called "Falmer Blood Elixir," I sashayed my way over to Madesi's abandoned stall, watching for guards as I knelt down to open the door. It was locked, but not for much longer.

I carefully inserted my first lock pick, watching over my shoulders as I twisted and turned the pick inside the lock. I waited for that familiar and satisfying click before I turned the lock. It opened without a problem, and I pushed the door open.

The strong box under the stand was also locked, and I managed to break three of my five lock picks trying to get it open. But I got it open, and I swiped the ring. I left the septims and jewels inside. Bryn didn't tell me to take them, and I didn't want to get in anymore trouble should I get caught.

I kicked the sliding door shut and ambled over to where Brand-Shei sat. I caught a glance from Brynjolf as I sidled up behind the Dark Elf. It wasn't easy, but I knelt down and flipped open the pouch at his side. I dropped the ring into the pouch, biting my tongue as the ring fell into place. Once it left my palm, I stood up and walked away as casually as possible, giving Bryn a subtle thumbs-up on my way past.

Walk in the ShadowsWhere stories live. Discover now