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After traveling back to Riften, the moment I had dreaded the entire journey home came. The moment that I would have to tell Mercer about this Karliah, and her mission to destroy the Guild.

But before I could get to that, Brynjolf intercepted me in the Cistern.

"Well, lass," he said, leaning against the wall next to me, effectively blocking my way to Mercer. He had the biggest grin on his face. "I see you're back. And in one piece. Did you get hurt?"

My heart fluttered a little, and I cursed it for doing so. "No, actually. Surprising, isn't it?"

"Means you're getting better." His grin fell just a little. "Lass, do you have a second to talk?"

I crossed my arms. "Bryn, I'd love to stay and chat, but I have some pretty big news to give to Mercer. It can't wait."

The grin faded. "Ah. I see. You'd best get going, then."

He moved out of my way, and I jogged to Mercer's desk. He was not hunched over his papers, but instead paced back and forth with a small journal in his hands. When I got closer, he closed the journal and pocketed it.

He crossed his arms and gave me a scowl. "Did Gulum-Ei give up any information about our buyer?"

I took in a deep breath. Please don't bite my head off. "He said Goldenglow was purchased by a 'Karliah.'"

His expression fell blank. His eyes grew distant, and voice became quiet. "No. It... it can't be. I haven't heard that name in decades. This is grave news, indeed. She is someone I was hoping to never cross paths with again."

Okay, that went better than expected. I decided to push a little farther, get some information about Karliah out of Mercer. "Gulum-Ei also told me she was a murderer."

His face hardened, and he slammed a fist against his desk. "Karliah destroyed everything the Guild stood for. She murdered my predecessor in cold blood and betrayed the Guild. After we discovered what she'd done, we spent months trying to track her down, but she just vanished."

"Why has she returned?"

"Karliah and I were like partners. I went with her on every heist. We watched each other's backs. I know her techniques, her skills. If she kills me, there will be no one left that could possibly catch her." He began pacing again. "If only we knew where she was...."

"Gulum-Ei told me she said 'Where the end began.'"

Mercer stopped in his tracks and raised his eyebrows at me. "There's only one place that could be. The place where she murdered Gallus... a ruin called Snow Veil Sanctum. We have to go out there before she disappears again."

"Wait." I shook my head and quirked an eyebrow at him. "'We'?"

"Yes, I'm going with you, and together we're going to kill her. Prepare yourself and meet me at the ruins as soon as you can. We can't let her slip through our fingers."

"What about my payment for Solitude?"

"Oh." He waved his hand towards the door leading into the Flagon. "Go speak to Tonilia about a new armor piece. That should cover the job."

Without another word, he left me alone, arms behind his back and head down.

"Lass?" When Mercer left, Bryn padded closer to me. "What's up?"

I shook my head. "I don't know if I'm allowed to say."

I watched as he scowled. But why was he scowling? "Look, lass, you don't have to be nice about it. If you like Mercer, that's none of my business. Just don't lead me on, all right?"

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