His Dragon

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"Love is like a friendship caught on fire. In the beginning a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. As love grows older, our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, deep-burning and unquenchable."
― Bruce Lee

A pre-morning breeze delicately ruffled the curtains of the open window. The slowly waking daylight turned the sky from black to purple to pink. Gray opened his eyes and blinked out blurriness. He was in his bedroom, yet it felt different. Warmer? Something was to his side. He glanced over, and his gaze rested upon the sleeping Dragon Slayer next to him. Gray had to smile at the thought. He was falling more and more in love with his stupid flame-brain every day, and now...

Images of last night, full of passion and wild love, flooded his mind and made his heart beat faster. None of his past affairs ever left him feeling so at peace and yet so ... what was this feeling? Was it simply the feeling of being in love? No one had ever affected him the way Natsu did.

Gray caressed the pink strands as he watched Natsu's gentle breathing. Those squinty eyes were relaxed and at peace. Natsu was almost childlike when asleep. It made Gray want to protect him, just as Natsu had so often rescued him.

Minutes passed in silence until a beam of rising sunlight streaked across Natsu's face. Gray tried to move his body to block the light so he could watch a little longer, but the brief flash was enough to rouse the Dragon Slayer. He grumbled something about Happy, stretched with a yawn, then stopped sharply and sniffed the air. His eyes fluttered open in a moment of confusion until he saw Gray. Those blue eyes gazed gently at him, and Natsu grinned in happiness.

Gray's image was incredible! His messy bed hair, that understated smile, his ice princess here with him in the morning, sleeping together in the same bed. Natsu couldn't ask for more!

"Morning, icicle-dick."

Gray snorted a laugh. What an adorable jerk! "Good morning, flame-brain. Your breath stinks."

Natsu flushed and closed his mouth. "W-well ... yours, too! And you have crust in the corner of your eye, and you snore, and ... and..."

Gray's hands slid down Natsu's body, instantly hushing him. "Yeah? Let me apologize."

Gray leaned in and kissed him. Natsu tried to protest, worried if his breath really did stink. However, Gray pushed his tongue inside and lapped around the fiery mouth. Natsu immediately felt coolness fill him. Gray tasted like mint and snow. Natsu moaned at the different blend of sensations in his mouth, warm and cool.

He suddenly grabbed Gray and flipped him around, slamming him to the pillows and straddling over his hips. They were naked, and Natsu had a morning woody that wanted attention. He rocked his hips against Gray, letting their cocks rub together, his stiff and Gray's flaccid.

"Natsu!" Gray said in shock through the domineering kisses.

"Not inside," Natsu muttered without releasing Gray's lips. "Just ... want you."

Gray grabbed Natsu's shoulders, and in a powerful thrust he threw the Dragon Slayer off of him, slamming him to the foot of the bed. Immediately, Gray leaped on top.

"If you do that, I'll get hard, too. Besides, doing it that way will get us both messy." He slid down Natsu's body and settled between his legs. "I'd rather have breakfast before I shower again."

Natsu half-sat up and looked down in shock. "Gray!"

"You licked my blood last night." Gray dragged his tongue up Natsu's cock. "I didn't get to taste you enough."

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