That's What Friends Are For

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"Good friends are like stars. You don't always see them but you know they are always there."
― Anonymous

The next day, Gray woke up feeling groggy. His dreams had been filled with Natsu, both the fantasy dragon form of him and the real man. He had dreamed about probably every pleasure physically possible, and then some!

Such dreams left behind physical proof. Gray cursed that he had to wash his sheets again.

As he stripped his messy boxers and yanked off the damp sheets, Gray thought about Natsu. Now he knew for certain, the Fire Dragon Slayer wanted a relationship. Even if he said they could have pure romance without sex, he probably wanted everything Gray had dreamed about. If Natsu's kisses were any indication, then sex with Natsu would be hot, wild, and just as insanely wonderful as his dreams.

Somehow, that was not enough to convince him. Gray had dated plenty of women purely for sex, but this was different. It was Natsu! And it was a guy. That sort of sex ... his dreams put a hazy censorship over those parts, just imagined concepts that it would somehow feel good. He knew how amazing it felt to thrust into something. He even had anal sex with a girl in the past who was into that sort of thing, and damn it was great! However, she had prepped herself in some weird way, and Gray had not bothered to pay attention to the details. Instead of watching what she did, he had been busy with her breasts.

He wished he knew what she did to prepare herself. He also wished he had not been drunk that night.

Who did he know who might know something about anal sex? He was not about to go to the store and buy a fag mag or gay porn video lacrima. He could probably ask Freed, except he was out of town with Laxus and his team. There was always Master Bob, but the bald guild master seriously creeped out Gray. There was also Sugarboy.

No. Just no!

Gray got ready for the day and went out, privately hoping he did not meet up with Natsu yet. It would be awkward, and he already knew that if he saw the Dragon Slayer, he would want to kiss more. Natsu's kisses were addictive. Before he could allow himself to slip into a physical relationship, Gray knew he had to think about this carefully. It was not like hooking up with some random girlfriend. This relationship, him and Natsu, could affect the entire guild. Plus it changed a lot about Gray himself: his sexuality. He still felt he was not gay. Bisexual? Something else? He did not know, and that lack of self-awareness left him hesitant and daunted.

How could he leap into a relationship without knowing what was in his own heart?

If they could just keep it to kissing ... but that rarely lasted. Kissing led to touching. Touching led to groping. Groping led to hand jobs and oral sex. And that led to wanting more sex. And more! How long could he hold back to just kisses and touches? A month? Maybe six months? A year if he really tortured himself. Eventually, he would want to live out those dreams.

No ... already he wanted them!

As he approached the guild, he saw Loke walking out while rubbing a red hand print on his cheek.

"What did you do this time?" Gray called out.

Loke jolted as he realized Gray was coming up. "Oh, hey! This?" He pointed to his swollen cheek and laughed awkwardly. "I flirted with some new girl and Lucy got mad."

"Serves you right."

"Flirting is fun, though. I mean, you like hearing someone compliment you, right?"

Gray thought about yesterday. "Hey, um ... do you want more? Just kissing? You're a really good kisser." Hearing Natsu say that made Gray's heart race, and remembering it made his cheeks blush.

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