Passion and Fear

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Fan art by fairytailyaoilover on Tumblr.

"If your passion is greater than your fear, you'll have the courage to act."

— Barbara Stoker

Minutes ticked by as Gray and Natsu kissed and caressed one another on the couch. They pulled back sometimes to smile, laugh in happiness, and then leaned back in again for more kisses. Hot and cold blended as their tongues swirled and dipped into each other's mouths. Gray felt his arousal returning, but he ignored it. Kisses were enough for now.

Still, Natsu smelled it, and he knew he was getting turned on as well. Gray's touches kept hitting places that sent chills through Natsu's body, making him pull back in moan after moan of blushing pleasure.

"How much do you want to do?"

Gray kissed him again. "This much is good. Just kissing." He let their lips pop again and pulled back with a smirk. "What else did you have planned?"

Natsu blushed as he thought about everything he wanted to do. "I ... um ... wanna ... touch..." His hand slid up Gray's thigh—somehow he had lost both his shirt and his pants—and he let his fingers glide over the erection hidden inside the cotton briefs.

Gray gasped and yanked away.

"Sorry!" Natsu cringed, yanking his hand back. Shit! He knew he should not have done that.

"No, I ... sorry, but I don't know if I'm ready for that much."

"R-right. Sorry." He frowned, worried that he just ruined the moment. "How about..." He reached up to Gray's chest and stroked over the shoulders. "...can I touch up here?"

Gray loved the feel of those hot hands. "Yeah, that's fine."

Natsu let his fingers drift to the pectorals. "Across here?" He rubbed over Gray's nipple. Instantly, Gray yanked away. "Sorry."

Gray sighed in frustration. "No, I'm sorry. It's just ... it's ... a little too weird." Dammit! He cursed to himself in frustration. How come when it was some girl he barely knew for a few hours, he had no problems letting her do just about anything to him, but with Natsu he kept feeling overwhelmed and embarrassed?

"Well then, you take over," Natsu grinned. "You do what you want to me. Show me what you're comfortable doing, and I'll only do that much back to you."

Gray looked over Natsu's body again. "Are you okay with that?"

"I don't care," Natsu grinned. "I wanna be touched everywhere. Or if I don't like something, I'll tell you."

Gray felt awkward but also excited. To touch this body! He let his fingers drift over Natsu's arm. "Wait! Can I ask something that's maybe a bit serious?"

Natsu arched an eyebrow. "Okaaaay?"

"That day on the hill, our ... um ... our first kiss, you said we'd be equals. Is this what you meant?"

"This what?"

"This! Who ... you know ... initiates things."

"Well, yeah! If you wanna do something, go ahead."

"I guess I mean later on. Not now, but later."

Natsu hesitated a moment, gulped hard, and said in a soft voice, "You mean sex."

Gray blushed at his bluntness. "Y-yeah."

"You are seriously preoccupied with sex, Gray. I don't want sex right now. Kissing, maybe touching, but not that. Sheesh, we just started dating!"

Life After Near DeathTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon