**THESE EYES ARE BLIND** + rant sorry

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Holy shit I just realized These Eyes Are Blind is a fucking LeATHERMØUTH reference wHaT tHe FuCk My WhOlE lIfE iS a LiE anyways this book will be the death of (a bachelor) me it's amazing Frank's this sarcastic asshole and he reminds me of me. This story is on mibba.com fuck off I know I said all of the recommendations would be on wattpad I lied

These Eyes Are Blind
By Helena Hathaway  and  mcr_rockstar

They say love is blind, but Frank's taking that to a more literal sense. So many people try to distance themselves from being called normal, but that's really all Frank wants. He's sick of being different. He's also sick of being alone, but he's made himself comfortable with it. To be blind is to be alone. Or at least he'd had every intention to be alone until he met Gerard. All Frank wants is to be normal, but it's Gerard who wants to make him see that he's far from it. Frank can't see with his eyes, but with his heart he sees Gerard, and he sees the beauty there.

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This is going to be a probably long rant and I'm really sorry you might as well skip this I just really need to tell someone which right now is basically the whole internet but I whatever at least no one I know irl is gonna see this

Rant (sort of):

So everyone here knows I'm so fucking gender confused, right? I have a friend irl and she's great she knows I'm really confused about my gender identity so I asked her if I looked like a girl or a boy. She said girl. I said okay, because I understand, I guess it's my face structure and just natural female-ish look. But my other friend let's call her Bitchia Dickieface heard me asking my friend. And of course Bitchia Dickieface thought I wanted her opinion.

I usually enjoy bitchia's company she's just very outspoken and honest, and I like that I really do but this is what she said and the sad part is that I memorized it exactly:

Bitchia Dickieface: "You look like a girl. And you are a girl. You're always going to be a girl. And you can either try to be prettier and wear skirts and dress, and actually act your gender, or you can be uglier with your attitude of 'I'm not really a girl.' If later on you choose to be a boy you're going to have to get surgery for that 'cause without a penis you can't be a boy. But, honey, you're a girl. Accept that."

And after that I felt really down I guess if I do turn out to be a guy it won't matter. I'll still be a girl to everyone else

-frank (or sarah if you want I gave up on people using the right names and pronouns lmao)

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