Holy fluck guys + a creepy dilemma

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Ok so I love all of you so so much and no that is not the creepy problem my chapter title is talking about


2. Ok so when I recommend fics I always put who the author is, and that's normal. But like should I do the thing were their username gets highlighted and the author sees that they were mentioned? I'm really over thinking this but let me explain: I'm so flucking awkward. I try to avoid talking go people because I suck at conversation or anything more than saying "hi." And sometimes I can't even do that. SO JUST POINTING SOMEONE OUT IN THIS BOOK WOULD MAKE ME FEEL EMBARRASSED So idk should I tell the authors that I'm recommending their fics and do the highlight thing or no...?
So I'm going to give you three scenarios and you have to tell me which is more creepy 

A) random author: "Wtf who this hoe that tagged me on this random ass book why the fuck they talking bout my book without telling me"

B) *secretly recommends fanfics without the authors having any idea that their fics are being talked about*

C) *author stumbles upon this book* "dafuq why is my book here why tf did I not know about this, this is creepy I had no idea"

which one is creepier? I sorta realize that this isn't a big deal but I guess my paranoia is making me feel like this is very creepy of me, with the whole the authors don't know about this thing. Also I guess this whole part is creepy because I'm bring this thing up ugh please help.

Also the picture made me FEEL and also my throat hurts so much eveytime I swallow, I'm going to get cough drops I'm addicted to those things especially Halls that shit is the bomb dot com and this chapter is 369 words and I have so much hw due tomorrow but I'm not doing it and I really hate the jackass who invented school I'm going to go rob his grave and fill it with my homework's ashes k bye

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