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Ugh this fic, I'm almost done with it and I AM A SOBBING MESS WHO CAN'T DECIDE BETWEEN SHIPS. This is what potatoyoghurt has done to me.
This is mainly frerard, but it has like this huge mess of emo gay ships on the side. You'll get addicted to this fic. And it's so good, but so painful at the same time and there is so much gay and so much hetero (but not really) at the same time, and has the best plot twist and it's a huge trainwreck and you'll love it.


Pretty. (Frerard, Petekey, Ryden, Peterick)
By: PotatoYoghurt

((Basically this is one big messy gay bandom AU, features just about every ship in the emo trinity and a few more)) Frank is the only gay guy he knows, stuck in the rather restricting and conservative world of Catholic school with his two best friends and their Catholic upbringings, where his daily adrenaline hits come from smoking behind the art block with Jamia, who he reckons is on her way if becoming the next Lindsay Lohan.

But then, things really do change, because perhaps Jamia's matchmaking abilities aren't quite as shitty as Frank reckons, and perhaps this 'social gathering' he's dragged along to, does have some benefit to him after all.

And perhaps, Frank will draw a face to the name of Gerard - Mikey's older brother, who really despite living in the same town, is world's away from the reality Frank's stuck in. And on the subject of the unlikely, will Mikey ever figure out that Alicia Simmons really doesn't give a fuck about croquet?

Ok so I definitely don't have an excuse for not updating sooner. I feel like half Dan Howell, because I never upload anything (he updated today but it's way too late), and part Mcr too. Because I've been gone so long it's almost like I'm DEAD.



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