TELL ME I'M A BAD MAN + online prostitution

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This fic slays my life. I also started reading tmibd with a spoiler so if you're one of those people who like to spoil shit you can fuck off and leave my life because placing a *spoiler alert* at the BOTTOM of a fucking comment is not a fucking spoiler alert. Its like saying "you're an ugly fucktard that needs to die" and then saying "But no offense" at least say spoiler alert before you spoil it actually just don't do it at all.

Anyways, this fic is making me feel so frustrated and I know the ending so I kind of want to scream, but it's so well written and beautiful and smut filled and all good things. This one's my new favorite

It's a teacher/student, for all you filthy bastards to enjoy.

Tell Me I'm A Bad Man
By mumoslaxima
Status: completed

Frank was always the quiet kid. He got into fights when he shouldn't have, and he didn't often do his homework, and he had a habit of being late to class, but he was somehow still...the quiet one. Yet the teachers were still fond of him, and they took a shine to the kid who got on their nerves.

But then he has to leave them all behind, and start a whole new school, where his fights, his lateness and lack of homework aren't as accepted. Even when he befriends the nerdy musical kid who has a crush on their music teacher - but knows that nothing will happen because it's very much illegal - things still seem to go wrong.

And then he gets on the wrong side of a certain art teacher, and things just get worse from there.


[Warning: there is a LOT of sexual content in this story, and there is a trigger warning on this too/this entire story is private, in order to read it, you'll have to be following me]


I finally made a tumblr around ten minutes ago and I have like two followers Idk how it works but one's a fangirl and the other is a human who's blog consists of girls wanting dates and some low key prostitution with "sexy girls real cheap" and sidenote, I clicked on the link and those girls were not cheap at all I've never really have a desire for a prostitute but I sure as hell don't want one now. I don't work, how the fuck am I supposed to afford such an expensive vagina ?

I'm going to teach you a lesson (in the worst kind of way) but it's more of a pro tip: don't try to buy sex online, prostitutes are the one thing that aren't cheaper on the internet. So now you know, keep that in mind while looking around for sex.

(I wasn't actually looking for the sexy fun times remember that)

((Also make sure your buddies are clean, I want y'all to stay safe))

Wait why am I telling you a story about finding online prostitutes

Jfc I just wanted to tell you guys my username and to follow I didn't mean to start a whole story.

/Follow/ me @jurard-wayy with the blog Lets Cry Over Mcr

Rn I have no idea how to use tumblr I'm like a grandma using internet explorer I cry

-frank ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

P.s.: if I've ever spoiled a story in a recommendation, tell me so I can take it down immediately.

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