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Caelen had taken to sneaking the Daily Prophet away from the table every evening. Since her father's admonishment that she was too young for such drivel Sirius had repeatedly taken it away from her until she'd given up, or so he thought. It was, due to the sneaking nature of her paper reading, late into the evening when she read the bone chilling headline.

        MASS BREAKOUT FROM                   AZKABAN

The girl shivered nervously staring into the demented faces of the escaped convicts. She wondered if her father was aware of the danger. Maybe he was out there, even now, searching for them? Caelen peered into the darkness attempting to look past the snow flurries into the black night.

"I thought you'd given up reading that trash?" Sirius questioned from the doorway eliciting a startled yelp from his goddaughter.

"Uncle Sirius!" She gasped breathlessly, "you frightened me!"

Sirius gave the girl a pointed look holding out his hand for the pilfered paper. "You're a right scamp you know that? Smuggling papers away, you could have just taken after your father and stolen chocolate you know?"

Caelen stared guiltily up at the man, "I'm sorry uncle Sirius."

Black's face softened as he noticed her glancing nervously out the window. He glared down at the picture of his cousin and other death eaters that had escaped. "Imagine believing I'd be involved with that riffraff!" He joked pulling Caelen to him in a comforting hug. "Look at them, this one for example," he tapped the photo of a screaming Bellatrix, "no fashion sense at all. And that hair! It's hard to believe we're related!!"

Caelen giggled as Sirius patted his thick black hair dramatically.

Sirius grinned softly, "there's that smile I was looking for." He murmured brushing his thumb gently against the girl's cheek.

"You think he's ok uncle Sirius?"

"I wouldn't doubt it for a second," the man promised. "Your dad survived years with uncle James and I, I doubt there's much out there that could throw him off at this point."

"But what about your cousin!?" Caelen persisted worriedly.

"You do realize you're the child here right puppy? Your dad will be fine, try not to worry so much about him." Sirius ruffled her hair, an obnoxious grin creeping into his face, "besides, Remus knows if he go's and gets himself hurt I'll strangle him."

Caelen giggled knowing full well, from last time, Sirius would be far more likely to yell for help or sob dramatically than to strangle her father.

"Alright come on puppy, bedtime." Sirius ordered scooping the girl up and marching towards the stairs with her in his arms. She didn't have to ask to stay with him tonight, Sirius was well aware the girl was frightened to stay alone.

"Are you angry?" Caelen began hesitantly, poking at the old quilt Sirius had dropped her on top of. "I mean because you have to stay behind?"

"What gave you that idea?"

The girl sighed as she tugged the blanket out from under her and climbed beneath the soft warmth. "I overheard Harry talking with Hermione and Ron, he figures professor Snape made you feel useless enough to endanger yourself..."

Lupin's cub (Remus Lupin's Unknown daughter)Where stories live. Discover now