In the moonlight

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Caelen sat on the top step where her father had placed her moments before he crouched over in pain. It clearly hurt him to transform more so than for her, for Caelen it wasn't exactly a comfortable change but it didn't pain her. Remus let out a short howl as his bones shifted and joints cracked making way for his other form, moony.

Where Remus had been now stood a large werewolf he was panting from his transformation and it took a moment for moony to become aware of his surroundings the first thing the wolf noticed was he was not alone, there was a tiny cub watching him nervously. Instincts told him this cub belonged to him and he felt a fierce protectiveness well up within him.

She nudged his paw with her tiny nose as if to question if he was alright now. Caelen had never seen another wolf she'd never watched the transformation herself and the obvious pain he'd felt worried her, was that normal? She didn't have long to ponder these thoughts before the large wolf began nuzzling and sniffing her ears committing her scent to memory.

She'd never been touched in a loving manner that she could remember, maybe before her mother realized she was a werewolf. Caelen vaguely remembered the night Gena had found out. It had been a full moon of course up until that time she'd been oblivious to her daughter's transformations. Baby Caelen had always slept well so a small wolf cub sleeping quietly in her crib once a month had gone unnoticed by the neglectful, self absorbed woman. When the child had begun to walk however, she was often ignored and one night had fallen asleep on a rug in the living room. She'd been awakened by a rough kick to her ribs sending the small cub across the room. That night had been the beginning of her nightmarish existence, she remembered the terror, her tiny paws trying desperately to outrun the infuriated woman. This night was totally different the large wolf nuzzled her gently, she pressed her tiny body against him soaking up the warmth and affection she was so desperate for.

Caelen grunted as moony picked her up by the scruff of her neck and carried her down the stairs to the mattress in the corner and placed her on it gently. She rushed to him rubbing against his front paws much like a kitten begging for attention.

Moony lowered his large snout licking the small cub affectionately. He jerked back in surprise when he felt a nip and tug on his ear followed by short playful yips. His cub wanted to play and he would not disappoint. He lowered himself on his front paws barking in gentle encouragement, moony rolled and growled lightly pretending to be struggling to fend off the cub's playful attacks.

Caelen slid off the larger werewolf's head landing with a grunt between his front paws. He nuzzled her exposed belly gently and she snuggled into his neck, her tongue rolling out in a mighty yawn, last night had been spent escaping and the tiny cub had never felt so tired.

Her large wolf eyes studied his as if it was the most important thing she'd ever had. 'I'm not alone anymore!' She thought happily relief coursing through her tiny body causing her tail to wag. 'I've never felt so safe!'

She hadn't realized her father would hear her thoughts, the bond between a werewolf and it's cub previously unknown to her, so to say Caelen was shocked when she heard a response would be an understatement.

Remus' voice, slightly deeper and with a pronounced growl to it, sounded in her head, 'never.' The larger wolf responded tucking her in close between his front paws, 'You will never be alone again, and I will always protect you, my little cub.' He placed his head gently over his cub in a protective manner, no one would get near her, no one would harm her.

Caelen sighed happily wriggling her nose out to lick her father before nuzzling closer and closing her eyes. Her last coherent thoughts were happy and peaceful.

Lupin's cub (Remus Lupin's Unknown daughter)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt