Christmas at Grimauld

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Sadly, Mr Weasley was not well enough to come home in time for Christmas. Caelen nearly felt guilty when, four days prior to Christmas, her own father had walked quietly into the room. She'd squealed leaping from her place on her godfather's lap, eliciting a pained grunt from Sirius. Remus hadn't been more than a few feet from her for nearly every moment since.

Christmas morning found the young girl clutching to her father's side. "Good morning cub, happy Christmas." Remus murmured brushing her brown hair back and placing a gentle kiss to her head.

"Happy Christmas daddy," she replied sleepily, burrowing further into his side.

Remus chuckled loving the feel of his child back in his arms once more. "Cub I'm not going out again until Harry and the others are back to Hogwarts, you don't have to stay so close. I promise I won't sneak away."

Caelen ignored his promise, however, and continued to cling to him as if he would disappear were she to let go. Remus smiled sadly at his child, he couldn't help but realize his continued disappearances and absences were doing nothing for the nervous little girl's confidence. In the time he'd been speaking to the werewolves for Dumbledore, the progress Caelen had made, feeling comfortable away from her father or others she was certain cared for her, had depleted greatly until Remus most often found himself carrying her around as if she were a toddler and not a nine year old.

It wasn't that she was reverting, if anything the girl acted old for her age in most areas. She picked up on emotions and tension quicker than most adults. She possessed enormous amounts of empathy and would quickly stand up for anyone she felt was being mistreated, regardless of her own feelings towards them or the size of her opponents. A fact which Ron and the twins had quickly become aware of when the twins had teased Ron a bit too mercilessly. But in terms of her feelings towards adults she wasn't well acquainted with, Caelen had definitely regressed. She shied away from Mrs. Weasley any time the woman began to berate one of her unruly children. Even Tonks, whom she'd begun to bond with, she now hesitated with instead. Uncertainly keeping just out of arms reach of the puzzled woman. "Won't be much longer cub, I promise." He vowed kissing her head once more. "I give you my word Caelen, I'll be finished with the werewolves soon. Now, who wants presents?"

Caelen leapt from the bed then rushing over to her wardrobe and removing a tiny package. "Uncle sirius helped me, since we couldn't go out, we made our presents this year."

Remus smiled taking the messily wrapped, red and gold package. He tore away the wrapping carefully, despite its already tattered appearance, to reveal a golden chain with a tiny carving hanging from it. At first he wasn't certain what the wooden shape was meant to be, it's tiny size obscuring the details, but as it touched his hand the creature came alive. Curled around each other was a large werewolf and his small cub and racing around the pair protectively, as he ran along the chain, was padfoot in all his shaggy doggy glory. Remus laughed as he put it on watching the dogs antics, so like his dear friend.

"Do you like it daddy?" Caelen questioned quietly tapping the werewolves with her tiny hand. "Uncle Sirius did the magic, we wanted you to have it, so we'll always be with you."

Remus brushed aside a tear quickly, pulling his child to him. "I love it cub, I'm glad you'll be with me, uncle Sirius too." He laughed as his cub raced towards the door, "aren't you going to open your gifts little one?"

"Later daddy! I'm hungry and want to see how uncle Sirius likes his!"

Remus chuckled following behind at a more sedate pace. He entered the kitchen to find Caelen wrapped around her uncle in a bear hug.

"You really like it uncle Sirius?"

"I love it puppy, much better than the old one!" The man replied laughing.

Lupin's cub (Remus Lupin's Unknown daughter)Where stories live. Discover now