Grimauld place

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They were leaving, Caelen couldn't decide if she was nervous or excited at the thought. With the death of her mother and the reappearance of Voldemort, Remus had decided to join the, recently reestablished, order of the Phoenix. Personally Caelen thought the name was a bit pretentious, she'd have gone with something simple like 'down with the dark lord' or maybe 'say no to voldy!' But maybe those weren't very good names for a secret group after all. The little girl skipped along beside her father as they left the castle, "are we going back to the cottage now daddy?"

Remus smiled down at his daughter, "not this time cub, I'm sorry. Dumbledore has a special place we need to be, I'll tell you when we get there."

"Are we taking the train?" She asked puzzled.

"No little one," Remus replied lifting her carefully into his arms, "hold tight cub."

Caelen felt as if she were being pressed in, crushed from all sides. She gasped for breath as they appeared on a dark street, clinging desperately to her father, "I think I preferred the train," she mumbled once her breathing returned to normal.

"Sorry little one, it's not the most fun way to travel I know." Remus soothed rubbing her back as he approached a house in front of them.

Caelen felt herself crushed between her father and another body the moment the pair entered the home. "Remus it's so good to see you!" The deep voice barked behind her. "And little Caelen! Hello again little one!" She felt a hand ruffle her hair.

Caelen turned in her father's arms eyeing the boisterous man, "ullow," she murmured quietly. She wasn't one for loud boisterous affection, she wasn't used to it. The girl especially didn't know how to handle it from people she'd only met once, and that meeting had been tense at best.

Sirius smiled genuinely at the child, "lot like you I see Remus, same quiet nature?"

Remus laughed shaking his head slightly, "fraid not my friend, Caelen can be quite playful and chatty. No, I'm afraid you've frightened her."

Sirius looked truly horrified by the thought and reached to pull the child away from Remus and into his own arms. Caelen's eyes widened considerably her little fingers digging painfully into her father's shoulders. The man looked dejected, "oh come on mini moony, you aren't scared of your uncle Sirius are you? Why I expect had I not been stuck in," he paused shivering slightly at the thought, "well that place, well I'd probably have been your godfather. Incidentally who is her godparent?"

Remus looked shocked then puzzled, who was? Did she even have one? He looked towards her in confusion, "ummmm do you have a godparent Caelen?" He couldn't help but feel nervous at the prospect. if she did have one, with her mother now dead, was there someone out there who'd try to take his child from him?

Sirius watched his reaction completely bewildered, "well surely you'd know Remus?"

Caelen laughed a dark humorless laugh that sounded wrong coming from such a young child, "I'm pretty sure people only give kids godparents when they care what happens to them if they die."

"Well that settles it then," Remus began ignoring the ache in his heart from Caelen's cold acceptance that her mother never cared, "Caelen needs a godparent. Sirius as you're my best and oldest friend I must ask, would you be my daughter's godfather?"

"Definitely!" The man responded swinging a stunned Caelen up into his arms and heading off towards the dining room. "Are you hungry kid? I think we've got something in here, maybe some biscuits?"

"Don't get her all hopped up on sugar Sirius," Remus warned trailing along behind the pair.

Sirius scoffed, "oh come on Remus what sort of uncle/godfather would I be if I didn't give the kid a little sugar now and then!? Honestly, I should've been the first to give her a sweet if you ask me but I assume I'm far too late for that."

Lupin's cub (Remus Lupin's Unknown daughter)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang