Parting of the ways

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For a secret Grimauld place was often very busy. Caelen watched a stream of interesting characters wander in and out during the next week. The first day Moody showed up she'd screamed hysterically. Remus and Sirius had sprinted into the hall, where she stood terrified, wands ready.

"Caelen it's ok," Remus had soothed kneeling next to his terrified child, "it's ok cub this is the real Moody. It's ok I promise, he's part of the order."

She still didn't like the man he was scary looking and, despite the knowledge that it hadn't really been him, the Moody imposter had terrified her the night he'd killed Gena. At first she'd loved it when Professor Snape visited but that had changed quickly. She didn't like how uncle Sirius treated him and Severus continued to avoid her.

It was Tuesday when a pink haired woman tumbled through the door falling flat as she went and causing Sirius' mother's portrait to start shouting. Caelen peeked through the kitchen door staring curiously at the commotion. "Whatcher little one, who're you then?" The woman greeted her, sitting up on the floor with a grin.

Caelen slunk back into the kitchen quickly, running to her father, who was making a snack. "Daddy there's a girl with pink hair in the hall." She murmured watching nervously as Sirius led the woman into the kitchen.

"Look Remus my little cousin Nymphadora's here!" Sirius announced cheerfully.

The woman glared, hair color changing to red, "don't call me Nymphadora," she hissed between gritted teeth.

Sirius ignored her, laughing as he went, and reached to take his goddaughter, "hey kiddo whatcha doin?" He questioned poking the girl's belly playfully.

Remus smiled at the pair, over the last week they had become nearly inseparable. "We're gonna have a meeting here in a bit cub, you'll have to wait upstairs alright?"

Caelen was getting used to this, order members appeared then they sent her upstairs while they talked. Today must have been a big meeting since Dumbledore and many others had already arrived and were mingling in the dining room.

Remus watched his daughter as she headed for the stairs, pouting slightly buy obeying nonetheless. The meeting was called to order Remus sitting between Sirius and the pink haired woman, Tonks.

Moody updated on his recent mission, Tonks updated on what she'd been doing, Dumbledore updated them on Hagrid's whereabouts and the hope that he'd be successful convincing the Giants to either join them or at the least stay out of the fight. He sighed at the end of his update, eyes meeting Remus' almost hesitantly. "I have a task of upmost importance for you Remus."

"For me?" Remus paused thoughts running through his head quickly, the majority of them involving Caelen and what a mission would mean for her.

"There's a group of werewolves living around London, we need you to join them sort of an envoy for the order. Much like what Hagrid's doing with the Giants. Convince them to join or at least not to make things harder."

Remus stared at him for a time thinking over his next statement, "Dumbledore, werewolves have not been treated very well as a whole by their fellow witches and wizards. There's been many times I myself would have starved if not for help from you and others. I just don't think this mission will be all that fruitful."

Dumbledore nodded, he'd expected this really, "I am well aware Remus. However, it's still imperative we at least try to reach out to them."

Lupin's cub (Remus Lupin's Unknown daughter)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora