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She was sitting in a crappy diner just off main street, the placed smelled like burned grease and cheese. The booths were grungy and other than two or three other people, she was the only customer. Even thought she was starving she only ordered a cup of hot chocolate, it was all she could afford. She sat at the back book, counting the change in her pocket for the third time and wishing she had enough for real food. Two dollars and six cents was all she had to her name.

She looked out the window and saw the snow start to fall and her heart broke a bit, it was freezing outside and soon the diner would close for the night forcing her to face the elements. Her jeans were ripped and thin, her long sleeved t-shirt and threadbare coat not shielding the cold at all, a knit cap covered the top of her head, greasy platinum hair sticking out the bottom.

She glanced at the other customers, none of them looked overly wealthy. She had become an expert pickpocket but didn't like to steal from people who weren't much better off than she was.

The tiny bell above the door rang and three large men strode in, they all were wearing leather jackets and biker boots. They began hassling the owner of the diner for their rent, none of them were paying much attention to the people in the diner.

She stared at them a minute or two, then looked away. They were dangerous men they could kill her for trying to steal from them, but then she was desperate and pretty sure she could out run them. She had long legs and ran track until she quit highschool, she could it, she could outrun them and then mail the empty wallet back.

She took a deep breath, steeling her nerve. She took one last drink of the hot chocolate and stood, the man in the back, her target looked at her. She dropped her head and pretended to be preparing to leave and he turned back to the other men. This was her chance, and she'd only get one.

As she neared the group she sped up her pace and pretended she was looking at her receipt, she slammed into her targets chest, more muscular than it looked.

"I'm sorry," she said, feigning embarrassment.

"It's fine, are you alright?" He asked.

"I think so."

He turned back to the other men and she skirted around him, slipping out the door. She wasn't even down a block when she heard the door.

"HEY! STOP!" He called.

She broke into a run, her feet pounding so hard on the pavement it hurt. She dared a glance back and was surprised to see he was gaining on her.

"Shit," She cursed.

Her converse were worn and made running painful, her skinny legs protesting the use of muscle she didn't have. She turned a corner and darter down an alley, a fence blocked her path but she sped up, determined to escape.

She pushed the gate on the fence and was glad the chain that locked it opened just slightly, enough she cold squeze through. She ducked under the chain and a hand grabbed her hair, she screamed and he yanked hard.

"Let go!"

"Give me my wallet!"

She tore free, losing a few strands of hair and her hat in the process. She was free though and she picked up speed as she ran, crossing the street she dodged a car, another nearly hit her and managed to clip her leg. She fell to ground, piercing pain in her leg and side, she pushed up though and took off again.

She ran for what felt like forever, her lung burning, heart aching before she finally stopped. She pressed her back against a wall and took gulping breaths of air. She pulled the wallet from her coat pocket and peeled it open, pulling out several bills she began to count it as she walked.

Damaged Lace. *The Animals MC book two.*Where stories live. Discover now