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Tagged by jackskellingtonrulz5


1.) You have to post all rules.

2.) You have to tag 13 people.

3.) You have to answer thirteen questions and ask thirteen questions.

4.) You can't (unfortunately) say "I don't do tags".

5.) Do this within a week or do what the person who tagged you says.

6.) Be creative with the name.

7.) You have to put this in a book.

Questions and Answers:

1.) What's your favourite television show?

Ooh, damn...I have a couple of favourites. It's hard to choose from - either Doctor Who, The Walking Dead, Bones, Criminal Minds, or BBC Sherlock. Right now I am leaning towards BBC Sherlock.

2.) Who's your favourite fictional character?

. . .bro, you can't make me do this. I have so much to choose from! I honestly don't know who's my favourite. Um. . .it's either Loki, Sherlock, or Spencer Reid. . .I CAN'T DECIDE!

3.) What does the fox say?

RING NING NING NING DING DING DING DING! (Haven't heard that song in AGES).

4.) Would you like to be doing something else? If so, what?

Yes. . .no. . .maybe? I dunno. . .I would like to be doing. . .something. . .um. . .talk to my penpal? But I can't since we have different time zone and it's difficult.

5.) Who's your favourite incarnation of the Doctor?

Obviously, it is either David Tennant, or Matt Smith. Peter Capaldi is good as well, he kind of reminds me of Sherlock. . .you know, with him not liking human contact like hugging, and such.

6.) Do you have a pet? If yes, what kind?

I do have a pet. . .well, pets. Two dogs. One is half labrador and. . .something. The other half shitzu and. . .something.

7.) Have you ever been in a musical?

Yeah - no. I'm in choir, that's about it. And I don't really like singing by myself in front of people and all that. I just prefer to just act.

8.) Who's your favourite teacher and why?

I like my Grade 9 English teacher. He's an old guy (around his fifties, something like that), but he's cool. He makes English and History interesting - even though I find those two subject interesting already. He also pays attention to me and treats me kind of like a teacher's pet, which is cool, since I kind of look up to him as a fatherly figure of some sort.

9.) What's your favourite Disney movie?

FROZEN! Nah, just kidding. It would have to be. . .The Little Mermaid, or Cinderella.

10.) Do you like school?

Yes and no. No, because most of the time I am a huge loner and I don't feel like I fit in. And yes, because I have a few friends that kind of make my day, along with some cool teachers, and education (Not Maths or Science though. . .the Science prac is okay, though).

11.) Buddy the elf, what's your favourite colour?

I like the colour blue.

12.) If you were John Watson, you have grown a moustache?

Haha, I don't really know. No, not really. Although the one from the special looks cool. But overall, nah.

13.) How do you get to Sesame Street?

You know what, I never really thought of that. . .















If you don't do it within a week. . .either  tell people to read my books (recommend it), or read them. *Shrugs*

Questions from me:

1.) If you have read my books, which one did you like the most?

2.) If you could say anything to your celebrity crush to make them your friend for life, what would you say?

3.) Favourite character in Criminal Minds? If you haven't seen it, then you have not lived. . .

4.) If you had one million dollars, what would you do with it?

5.) If you had one wish, what would you wish for?

6.) Did you guys watch Crimson Peak featuring the hottie, Tom Hiddleston? If so, how did you like it?

7.) What guests would you like to sit with in the Graham Norton Show?

8.) If you could be in any TV show, what would it be?

9.) If you could be in any Movie, what would it be?

10.) What fictional character would you like to be with? (Sadly, you have to only choose one.)

11.) Do you think Draco Malfoy is hot? Why?

12.) If you could meet anyone on Wattpad in person (Example: Your favourite author) who would you?

13.) Are you having a sucky life, or a good one so far?

My High-functioning Sociopath (BBC Sherlock fanfiction) *Under editing*Where stories live. Discover now