Chapter 2

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"So William, did anything interesting today?" Mrs Holmes asks her youngest son at dinner. Sherlock grins, taking another spoonful of his food before answering.

"Yes, I met someone at the park."

"Really? A friend?" Mycroft asks sarcastically, still in his mood.

"Yes, we became friends. Quite fast. She's really interesting." Mycroft chokes on his food, while the parents stare at their younger son in shock.

"Friend?" their mother said. "You have a friend?"

"How?" Mycroft stutters. "They're all idiots!" The parents glare at their older son from his comment, before turning back to their other son.

"Well this girl isn't an idiot, " Sherlock tells them proudly. "Elizabeth is actually like us, she can deduce people."

"Really?" Mycroft asks, getting out of his mood quickly, looking at his brother interested. "She should come over so I can see -"

"She's not a lab rat, Mycroft." Sherlock interrupts, glaring at him. "She's my friend - my first ever friend. It's really important to me."

"You sound very protective of her." Mycroft observes. "Do you have feelings for her?" Their mother gasp at that, clapping excitedly while the father looks at his younger son proudly.

"No!" Sherlock scoffs."She's just a friend - I met her just today!"

"Yes, but have you ever heard of 'Love at first sight'?" their mother asks him. Sherlock rolls his eyes at the saying, taking another spoonful of his food.

"She's just a friend. I am protective of her because she is the first friend I ever have, and it is special to me. Someone who reaches my intelligence -"

"Now, now." Mycroft interrupts. "We all know you're stupid, I'm the smart one here."

"MYCROFT!" the parents said at the same time, glaring at him. Sherlock glares at Mycroft, before standing up from his seat.

"I'm going to my room." he said quietly, walking away quickly. No, he thought, wiping his eyes harshly. Don't cry, Mycroft is just being an annoying brother. He locks his door, before flopping on his bed, staring at the ceiling. He can't hold it in any longer, and lets the tears roll down his face. He can't help it. With Mycroft saying he's an idiot all the time, he's starting to believe it as well.

A sudden knock from his window catches his attention, making him quickly wipe the tears away and look at his window in curiosity. He then sees a sillhouete of a girl, making him think of Elizabeth. He quickly hops off his bed, opening the window quickly and quietly. "What are you doing here?" he hisses at her quietly. "How did you know I live here?"

Instead of answering, she pushes him to the side gently, before hopping into the room. She looks around with interest, before jumping to his bed, lying down. Sherlock looks at her confused, and slowly makes his way to her. "I wanted to see you again, and it was a good thing I decided to follow you after our conversation at the park." Elizabeth then sits up, looking at him worried. "I come into this room to see you with red puffy eyes, I had interrupted in you crying. I am sorry, is everything alright now?"

Sherlock avoids eye contact after she said that, all thoughts of him being an idiot coming back to him. Tears immediately gather into his eyes, but holds them back. "You had a fight with someone, " she realizes, deducing him. "I believe it is an older sibling, brother perhaps - yes, brother. I saw a picture of you with another guy before. You two must be the same, he probably said something about your smartness, making you feel insecure." Sherlock couldn't hold it in anymore, and starts crying again.

"It's true!" Sherlock cries. "It's kind of obvious my brother is smarter than me!"

"Oh Sherlock, " his new, first friend coos. "Don't think like that, just because you are younger than him." Sherlock looks at his new friend, thinking her words over.


"No buts, he's just like that because you guys have no friends or anything." she interrupts, rolling her eyes. Before another word came from him, she pulls him into a tight hug. "You are my first friend ever, and I am to you, and I don't want to see you sad, okay?"

"Okay." he said into her neck, holding her tight to him. So this is what it is like to have friends, he thought. I like it.

"So, what do you want to be when you grow up?" Elizabeth asks him, changing the subject unexpectedly. Nonetheless, Sherlock grins and answers her answer happily.

"I want to be a pirate!"


"Mycroft, I am very disappointed in you." their mother scolds, shaking her head at her older son. Mycroft rolls his eyes at her, poking his food. "I expect you to say sorry to him later on."

"Okay, mother." Mycroft sighs.

After dinner, when Mycroft is heading to his brother's room, he hears a rucket and laughter, along with Redbeard's bark. "What the?" Mycroft mumbles, walking faster and quietly.

"You will never defeat me, the best pirate in the world!" he hears Sherlock exclaim. Mycroft rolls his eyes at his brother's dream of wanting to be a pirate, about to leave when he hears another voice, a girl's to be exact.

"Oh please, I can defeat you easily. I am Captain Elizabeth, the captain of the Jolly Rogers!"

"No, I am!"

"Not anymore, HA!"


"YES! I win!"

"Sherlock, " Mycroft calls, rushing towards his brother's door. "Is someone there with you?"

"Quick, " he hears Sherlock whisper loudly. "Hurry before my brother finds you."

"Sherlock?" Mycroft calls. He quickly enters, seeing his younger brother in a pirate costume, sitting in the middle of the bed,Redbeard at his side with a pirate hat on his head.

"Hello Mycroft, " Sherlock greets, annoyance slipping through his voice. "I was just playing by myself. You wanna play?"

"Was somebody in here?" Mycroft asks him, looking around, before facing his brother, deducing him.

"No, no one, not that I know." Sherlock said quickly.

"Really?" Mycroft asks suspiciously. "I swear I heard a girl voice in the room defeating you in something." Mycroft sees Sherlock tense slightly in the corner of his eye, making him smirk slightly. So Sherlock does have a friend, he thought amused.

My High-functioning Sociopath (BBC Sherlock fanfiction) *Under editing*Where stories live. Discover now