Chapter 58

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Megan Watson's POV

I sip from my cold mug of coffee, my fingers shaking a small bit as they hold it tightly, my eyes slightly watery from my lack of sleep last night. I never really was a fan of coffee, but I had slept so little last night from thinking about going on a date with Niall, that I really need whatever energy I can muster, even though I feel quite lively, the feeling of excitement and nervousness and dizziness all in one in my body making me feel wide awake, although I know inside I should be falling over with tiredness.

There is a knock at the door, and I slowly stand up, placing my coffee on the small glass table in front of the couch, stretching my stiff limbs before lazily trudging over to the door. Just before I open it, I get a thought that it could be Niall at the door, and instantly feel really nervous, but I shake off the thought and open it anyway, to reveal - to my relief - Lottie standing outside.

Her mouth drops open, before she says, "Woah. Megan, you look terrible."

I feel my self consciousness take over, my arms crossing as I reply defensively, "You've had your ugly times as well."

She pauses, "Ignoring that comment. What's got you looking so ..? You look like -"

"I barely slept last night?" I cut her off knowingly. "That's cos I didn't."

She frowns, "Aw, why? You okay?"

I gesture for her to come in, opening the door further, "Come in. I'll tell you."

She nods, stepping inside, before I lead her into the living room, sitting down with a deep sigh. She looks at me expectantly.

"Okay, so," I start, taking yet another deep breath, "I haven't told anyone this yet, so feel special." She laughs lightly.

"So... Last night, Niall asked me out on a d-" I am unable to finish my sentence, her squealing.

"Niall asked you out?! Oh my god! Did you say yes?! You better have said yes!" She exclaims.

I laugh, shaking my head at her childishness, "Calm down, Lottie. I said yes."

"Ah!" She exclaims, "I'm so happy for you! When is it?!"

"Tonight at seven," I say, a small grin appearing on my face at the thought, "I'm really nervous though."

"Why are you nervous?!" She exclaims, "Niall, freaking, Horan asked you out! Oh my god!"

I laugh, biting my lip with a smile on my face, "Yeah. He did."

She smiles, "Aw. You're smile there."

"What about it?" I ask with a small laugh.

"It was just, like," she tilts her head slightly, trying to describe it, "I don't know. So like, cute, and adorable. You just looked so happy. I'm really happy for you, you don't even know. I've been waiting for you this for like, months.."

"Oh my god." I grin, a small, childish, squeal accidentally leaving my mouth, "Niall asked me out! Niall!"

She grins widely, "I'm honestly so happy for you."

I smile widely, "Thank you so much."

She smiles at me, before saying, "You should get some sleep before the date."

"But -" I start, before she shushes me.

"Megan," she says warningly, "Go up and sleep. I'll wake you up in about three hours, yeah?"

"But then it'll be like -" I start to argue again before she cuts me off.

"Megan." She looks at me firmly. "It'll only be half three. You'll have plenty of time - way more than you need, to get ready. Trust me, you look really tired. You need to go to sleep."

The Lucky Pick  // One DirectionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin