Chapter 27

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Megan Watson's POV

"You haven't tweeted in ages," Harry comments a few days later as we sit on the couch, my head rested on his chest, just relaxing.

"Yeah.." My voice trails.

"Why?" He asks, playing with my hair a bit.

"I... I'm scared of the messages people will send to me," I admit quietly.

He props himself up and I look up at him.

"Megan, it doesn't matter what anybody says about you. You're amazing. Don't forget that," He tells me before leaning down and kissing me.

"Thank you, Harry." I smile sheepishly at him after pulling away and take my phone out of my pocket, putting in my password and clicking on the Twitter app.

Once loaded, I click the 'Create New Tweet' button and start typing.

@MeganAnneWatson: chilling with Harry... :)

"Should I send that?" I ask uncertainly, biting my lip.

"That's good," Harry nods before smirking, "But.. Y'know... it would be better if..." He grabs my phone and starts typing in something as he says, "HARRY IS THE SE-"

"Harry, no!" I laugh as we both try and type stuff in on my phone, deleting each others words.

"Oops," Harry says, after accidentally pressing the Send button. We both look at the tweet that was sent before laughing.


"I agree," Harry says jokingly.

"I'll post another tweet," I tell him, taking my phone in my hands before typing in a new tweet, not deleting the last tweet.

@MeganAnneWatson: sorry about that last tweet harry took my phone lol :)

"You weren't laughing as you wrote that." Harry raises an eyebrow.

"Oh, Harry." I shake my head at him playfully and snuggle into him.


Niall Horan's POV

I park my car with a sigh outside the flat, knowing Harry would be in there.

Why wasn't he answering my texts and calls? The messages were delivered...

I walk up to the door and realise I left my keys in the flat, which was smart. I knock on the door and quite a few seconds later the door opens to reveal... Megan? With pretty messy hair might I add.

She looks really pretty all the same.

What am I saying? She's Harry's girlfriend for goodness sake...

"Hi Niall," She says with a weak smile.

"Hi, Megan," I return the smile, "Is, uh, Harry here, or..?" What the heck. Of course he's here...

"Oh, yeah. He is," she tells me, opening the door wider for me to come in, which I do, "We were watching TV and I guess we both fell asleep... I woke up just before you came."

We walk into the living room to see Harry sitting on the couch, asleep, his mouth open as usual.

"You know what we do?" I ask Megan quietly - as to not wake Harry - with a smile.

"No, what?" She asks curiously.

I laugh lightly, "We put things in his mouth as he sleeps. Anything we can find. His mouth is always open."

She laughs, "Can we do that?"

I pretty much forget what I came here for.

"Yeah, sure."

She grins and we start going around the flat, picking up small things we find such as pencils, straws, whatever we find that will fit in his mouth, really.

I pick up a few pens and pencils and look to where Megan is. I find myself studying her - the way her small, nimble fingers so gently grasp the items she finds, how her eyes light up when she finds something that we could use.

"Uh... Niall?" She furrows her eyebrows together, snapping me out of my daze.

"Y-yeah?" I mumble. No seriously, what is wrong with me? She's Harry's girlfriend and I'm standing here studying how her fingers move... Wow.

"Are you okay? You were like in a daze. Deep in thought." She starts walking over to me with the small items in her hands.

"Oh... I was, yeah." I nod, scratching the back of my neck.

"Thinking about what?" She questions.

"Nothing," I answer quickly.

She cocks an eyebrow but doesn't push any further, with a smile on her lips, "Oh, yeah. I too like to spend my time deep in thought about nothing," She says sarcastically.

I laugh lightly as I follow her into the living room to see Harry still fast asleep, snoring.

As we get closer to him, Megan looks at me, "Are you sure he won't choke?"

I chuckle, "He's never choked before." She nods, crouching down beside Harry before I add, teasing her, "But there's a first time for everything."

She looks at me with furrowed eyebrows before I laugh, "I'm messing, I'm messing. He won't choke, Megan."

She smiles and laughs lightly as I crouch down beside her and she puts a pencil in Harry's mouth, and then a pen, and then I put in two straws. We start laughing as we wakes up, choking. Not actually choking, but just making choking noises and spitting out the items in his mouth.

"What a nice way to wake up," he says sarcastically after spitting out the stuff in his mouth, "Choking on pencils and other rubbish."

"You said he wouldn't choke!" Megan looks back at me, laughing slightly.

"He didn't choke!" I shrug, laughing a little bit too.

"Why are you even here?" Harry asks me, narrowing his eyes and it sorta hurts me. He must realise how rude it sounds because he adds, "I mean, like, since when were you here?"

"Uh, five minutes maybe?" I guess.

"Oh, okay. How come?" He asks.

"Er..." Why was I here again..? Oh! "Louis, Zayn and I were at a cafe and we started calling you because we weren't sure what to do for Liam's party. He allowed us to plan it. He didn't want anything big but that's too bad for him. Louis wants to have this huge party. We invited all of us, obviously, Megan -"

"Oh, yay!" Megan squeals, interrupting me.

"Hah, yeah. Well, we invited quite a few people, they have it written down. But we don't know exactly what we're doing. We're going to have it the Saturday three days after his actual birthday," I finish.

"He's turning.. twenty right?" Megan asks.

"Yeah, twenty," I confirm.

"Well..." Harry has a smirk on his face, "I think I actually do have an idea.."


A/N: a bit of Nigan there for any Nigan shippers :3

what's Harry's idea..? :o

i updated early, i just couldn't help myself hehe x)

if you want, PM me. cus i have like no wattpad friends D: ANYBODY, you can message me saying 'hi' or something idk xD but yeah im quite the loner.

thanks for reading, ily,

Lisa :)

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