Chapter 20

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We stand back from Zayn and admire our masterpiece.

Many things are scribbled onto his face, and arms, such as:


My hair is it's own person


Harry is heaven itself

Zen malek

"Zen Malek?" Harry questions, looking at me.

"What? It's all I could think of." I shrugged. "I saw it on some fan accounts for you guys on twitter last night. People were calling him that."

"Oh.... Wait a second," Harry pauses and looks over at Zayn. "His phone. Where's his phone?"

Louis spots something on the ground and picks it up. A phone. "ARE YOU THINKING WHAT I'M THINKING?!" Louis shrieks, quietly though, as not to wake Zayn.

"I believe so." Harry smirks, holding his hand out for Louis to hand it to him, which he does. He taps the screen a few times before handing it to me. The screen shows a place to type a new tweet.

"Huh?" I ask confusedly.

"Type something." Louis says in a 'duh' tone.

"Oh.... okay." I say before typing in whatever comes into my brain.

@zaynmalik: ZEN MALEK IN THE HOUSEE! Fo shizzle mah nipples. WORD TO YOUR SISTERS CAT

I press 'tweet' and the boys smirk as their phones vibrate.

As soon as they see it they start laughing.

"Oh my god!" Louis laughs.

"He's gonna be ragin'!" Niall chuckles.

"Yep!" I agree, laughing. "Look what people are saying."

They look at the phone in my hands as I scroll through a list of replies, such as 'YOUR ALIVE' and 'are u ok'.

"Meg -" a small voice says before stopping and gasping. We all turn in the way of the voice to see Delilah with her mouth wide open. "YOU'RE HERE!?"

"We sure are, love. Can I have a hug?" Louis asks, pouting with his arms outstretched.

Delilah runs into his arms and then pulls away. "How come you're here? Did you sleep over? Why is Zayn asleep on the floor?" Delilah asks multiple questions.

"We're here cause we missed you, yeah, we slept over and he is a heavy sleeper." Louis explains.

"Oh! Okay!" Delilah grins. "Are you going to stay here for the day? Because I'm going to my friends house."

"Well, we're actually gonna go somewhere with Megan!" Louis tells her.

"We are?" Zayn's voice grumbles from where he was asleep.

"IT'S ALIIIVE!" Louis screams.

"He wakes up now?" I hear Harry mumble.

My mum comes in with some bowls and hands them out to us all.

"Delilah will be going to her friends house in a couple minutes and then I have work... So, Megan, and boys, can I trust you to be alone for the day?" Mum asks.

"Yeah, of course. Always can." I nod to her as I take a piece of toast in my hand.

"Yeah, but now there's 5 teenage boys here and -" she says quietly before being cut off.

"WELL ACTUALLY, WE'RE NOT ALL TEENAGERS." Louis points out loudly.

"Okay then, I'll see you later." Mum shrugs with a sigh and her and Delilah go up the stairs, only to come down moments later and say a final goodbye before going out the door.

"So, whatcha wanna do?" I ask them all.


"How much does it cost to get in?" Zayn asks as him, Liam, and I get out of the car, and start to walk to where Niall, Harry and Louis are waiting for us.

"One pound per person, I think." I reply, just as we reach them.

"Let's go then." Harry says and we all walk to the small kiosk that is for everyone's entrance fee.

The man there doesn't take much notice in us, and even if he did, it is quite dark and the boys all have their hoods up.

We all pay and walk into the park.

"Where to first?" Louis asks.


I scream as the ride we are all on drops.

Liam laughs from beside me, while Niall, who is on the other side of me has wide eyes.

"You okay th - " I begin asking before the ride drops again and I scream.

After several more drops, the purchasing of candy floss, and dizziness, Harry turns to me.

"You ready for that ride you promised me?" He asks, raising an eyebrow with a smirk.

"What - oh," I remember what I had said I would do. "Do I really have to?" I whine.

"Mmhmm." He grins.

"Okay, fine." I give in and turn to everybody else.

"Harry and I are going on a ride together." I tell them.

"Can I come?" Niall asks quickly.

I am about to talk when Harry speaks firmly, "Uh, part of the deal was that we go alone. Sorry."

"Oh..." Niall looks disappointed.

Why was Harry making sure we would be alone? Does it really make a difference?

"Bye then." I wave to them all and they start walking away.

Harry looks around and then grins and grabs my hand, leading me over to a black ride that reads 'Devil's Lair' but then looks down at our hands and quickly takes his away.

"Sorry, didn't mean to do that." He mumbles before we walk up to the ride. I stop as we get closer.

"Harry," I murmur, causing him to stop and turn to face me from where he is a step or two ahead of me, "This ride is supposed to be fast. And scary."

"That's what makes it fun," he grins, "Plus, we're at a funfair, how bad could it be?"

"Mm, I guess." I shrug and we go up a few steps to the ride and a woman leads us to a cart.

"Ready?" Harry asks me after the woman has made sure the bars that are keeping us in are secure.

"No." I reply before the ride starts to go forward.


A/N: Helloo :) what are your thoughts?

this chapter is super short. gah D: but these chapters will be short bc im updating more often.

Tell me who you shiiip! Nigan, or Megarry? Even just a little comment saying 'Nigan' or 'Megarry' could possibly change the ending of the story :O And Siobhan, I forbid you to say 'Mouis'. Lol

Thanks so much for reading,

Lisa :)

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