Chapter 2

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Megan Watson's POV

My eyes widen as he leads me onto the stage as Delilah squeals.

"So tell me tell me tell me how to turn your love on," Harry sings, looking at me as we stand in the middle of the stage, "You can get get anything that you want,

Baby just shout it out shout it out,

Baby just shout it out, yeah," he sings before my other hand is taken and Harry lets go. Liam smiles and sings to me, "And if yoooou,

You want me toooooo,

Let's make a mooove."

They all continue taking my hands and leading me around the stage as they sing to me.

One Direction. As I said, I don't like them too much, but c'mon, it's not everyday the most popular boy-band in the world sings to you in front of thousands of people.

"And let me kiss you," Harry finishes before kissing my cheek. I blush and look down at Delilah who is cheering.

Then Louis hands me a bag and smiles.

I take the bag, thanking him, and wondering what it's for. Then the boys hug me. Harry hugs me last.

"See you soon," Harry whispers to me. I raise an eyebrow as I pull away. He smirks before holding the mic up to his face and saying, "A big cheer for this lovely lady over here!"

Cheers erupt. I smile before walking off the stage and back to where Delilah is.

"Oh my god!" She exclaims, "Harry just kissed you! Meg, he's my favourite! Wait till I tell everyone that Harry Styles kissed my sister!"

I chuckle before looking down at the bag I was given.

I root through it. My hands clasp around a two small objects. I gasp.

2 tickets for a flight to New York in July.

I quickly put them back into the bag so I don't lose them. Then I take out two more slips of paper.

2 backstage passes and V.I.P tickets for a One Direction concert in New York, 17th July.

Oh my god. I then pick up a receipt for a 5 star hotel in NYC. Is this for real?! There is also two One Direction t-shirts and their movie. Delilah would love to see that.

Delilah is too engrossed in the song the boys were singing to notice the items I just got.

Even if I don't like One Direction, I am really, really excited.


I wake up, someone shaking me.

"Megan! Megan! We're going to New York! To see One Direction! Get up!" exclaims a soft voice as my eyes flutter open.

"Huh?" I mumble as I rub my eyes.

"You have to get up to go to the airport!" she exclaims.

"Okay, I'm up," I say as I pull back the blankets and trudge lazily down the stairs in my PJs.

"Hey, mum," I mumble as I walk into the kitchen.

"Morning Meg," she smiles brightly, "Here's some toast."

I smile back gratefully and take the toast that she hands me on a plate.

I've been out of school for a month now, and I'm loving every second. Not having to wake up early, study, or spend most of my day in school, what more could I ask for? I know I'll get tired of it soon but for now, I love it.

I bite into the hot toast - she must of made it just now - and start to text on my phone.

After a few minutes, I go back upstairs and change into a purple A&F hoodie, purple Converse and jeggings.

I put my hair in a messy bun and apply a bit of eyeliner - it's early, and we're only going to the airport after all - and walk down the stairs. I swing my wine handbag over my shoulder and clasp my left hand around the handle of my suitcase.

I see Delilah chatting excitedly to my mum and smile.

"And we'll Skype you as soon as we get there!" she finishes, the huge smile never leaving her face.

Mum beams down at Delilah before turning to me.

"See you soon mum," I say as I embrace her in a hug.

"Bye, Meg. Take care, won't you?" She asks, looking into my eyes.

"Of course, mum."

"And always keep in contact?"

"We're only going for a week, mum."

"I know, I just want you both to be safe," she says.

"We will. Love you, mum. See you soon."

"Love you!" She calls as me and Delilah leave the room and step out of the house.

We get into the car and I start the engine.

New York City, here we come...

The Lucky Pick  // One DirectionNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ