Chapter 16

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Megan Watson's POV


"Yep!" He grins and walks into the house, followed by the others.

"Gosh, you people really need manners..." I comment jokingly.

"Ha! We do have manners!" Louis back-talks.

"Oh, shuttup. I didn't even say you could come in, let alone have a sleepover." I remind him.

"But you would..." He smiles knowingly, with his eyebrows raised.

"Oh yeah?" I challenge. He smirks. "Okay, you can't have a sleepover. Leave."

"Huh? Nooo! C'mon, Megan!" Niall begs, pouting, with his hands put together, looking like he's praying.

"Nu-uh! You can blame Louis!" I shake my head and point towards the door. They all pout and walk outside. I close the door behind them and smile. I just kicked One Direction out of my house....

I walk back into the sitting room with a smirk on my face, and almost immediately there is a knock on the window.

I furrow my eyebrows together to see Harry doing puppy-dog eyes, rubbing his arms to indicate he is cold. I stick my tongue out at him and he frowns.

I walk back over to the couch and plop down, when there is another knock on the window. I ignore it, but then there is a continuous knocking, so I sigh and walk back to the window.

"Yes?" I mouth, smirking. Louis is there, pointing to his phone and then to me. I raise an eyebrow and he mouths 'Get your phone'.

I nod and go over to the couch, picking up a wine pillow to see my phone sitting there with the screen lit up, indicating I had a text.

From: Loueh x)

MEGAN :( we'll stay here all night if we have to!

I look over at the window to see Louis staring at me with his eyebrows raised and his lips in a tight line. I type a text back.

To: Loueh x)

you wouldn't.....

I soon receive a text back.

From: Loueh x)

Oh, but we would .

No matter what he says, they won't last the night out there. They'll leave in five minutes, I'd say...

Half an hour. It's been half an hour. They look freezing out there. I can't leave them out there. I guess he was right... I'd let them in. I walk into the hall and open the door.

"Finally!" Zayn sighs, walking in, followed by the others.

"Bloody freezing out there..." Harry mutters.

"Sorry, just wanted to, uh, prove myself right or whatever..." I mumble as they make 'brr'ing noises. I close the door over when they get inside.

"Well, you didn't." Louis smirks and I raise an eyebrow.

"You wanna go out there again?" I ask, not actually serious.

"No, no! Sorry." Louis holds his hands up and I lead them all into the living room with a chuckle.

"How come you guys are here?" I ask them, sitting down on the couch.

"Well, we have finished all our America concerts, so, we get a month and a bit break, then, we leave for Australasia." Liam explains, sitting on a chair to the right of me while Zayn and Harry sit on the couch beside me, Niall seated on the handle part of the couch, and Louis sitting on the floor.

"Oh, that's cool. But shouldn't you be with your families?" I ask.

"Well, yeah, but we spent a day or two with them already. Then, we all wanted to see you." Liam says. "We will be going to see them again though, in a couple weeks."

"That's nice!" I smile.

"Yeah. What do you want to do?" Zayn asks.

"Watch TV?" I suggest.

"Alright." Harry agrees.

The TV is still on, showing some random show that I have never seen before, so I switch to a different channel.

I stop when I see a One Direction interview and smirk, looking over at the boys.

"Megan!" Louis whines, and Harry's eyes are wide, he looks worried, almost... scared.

"Now, Harry," the interviewers voice says from the television, and I turn to face it. "There's been some rumours about you and a girl?"

A screen behind them shows an image of me and Harry.

"It's said that you two are dating... Is it true?" She asks.

Harry chuckles. "No, no it's not. She's just a fan."

Just a fan.

A fan.

"Mega-" Harry mumbles from beside me, and I get up, run out into the hall, open the door, and run out into the cold, crisp night air. I don't care I'm just in my PJs, I don't care if it's nearly midnight... I need to get out of there.

He said I was just a fan. And the others, they didn't even say anything! They just, sat there!

"Megan!" I hear Harry's voice call. I quicken my pace and feel tears in my eyes. I can't believe it. We had a sleepover, went to Disney, went to the movies, they saw me off at the airport, and they came to my house, wanting to have a sleepover, and I'm apparently 'just a fan' to them.

"Megan." Harry's voice says from right behind me, and I hear him breathe heavily, from catching up with me.

"What do you want, Harry?" I spit, turning to face him. "I'm 'just a fan' after all, isn't that right?"

"No, Megan, you're not! I -" He begins, before I cut him off.

"Then why on earth would you say that?!" I ask, trying to hold back my tears. "Just go away."

I turn away and start to walk away when he grabs my wrist, turning me to face him.

"Please, Megan." He murmurs, before placing his hands on the back of my upper neck and pressing his lips to mine, kissing me.

And I don't know why, but I kiss him back.


A/N: WHAT'S THAT NOISE. Oh wait it's just the sound of Lisa cringing

They frickin kissed man.

oh and you ship Nigan, please don't be like 'omg I'm not reading this anymore' because it isn't the end of Nigan, I assure you :)

Sorry it's super short, but I had to end it there. xo

So yup, what did you think? :) who do you ship?

Thanks for reading, don't forget to vote & comment!

Lisa :)

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