32. Fort and Mom... I am screwed

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'" I look bad" I checked myself in the full length mirror in the bathroom. The white dress was making me look like a pig. A fat one.

I need another one. But they are outside. And so is Fort. Well he will have to get his ass up then.

" Fort!!! " I screamed like a tyrant child and banged the door.

No reply.

" Dadddy Fort!!!! " I teased and cried.

" Daddy? Now that caught my attention " I heard him snicker as he got up.

" Get me my red dress Daddy " I asked like a kid.

" Say Please" He chuckled a low hoarse sexy vibrating chuckle

" Pleasssssee Daddy" I slurred. This is how to make Fort work. All you need is Please and Daddy. It works for me only though.

" Really? What am I your spot?" He groaned

" No. You are my sexy (lie) , kind (biggest lie), Confident (over confident) Fate." I cooed. I think I flattered him to much.

" I can surely get it babes..... "


" ....But I won't " He finished with a low chuckle

"What's your fucking problem in just walking 10 cm and getting a dress!?" I snapped loosing my patience. He really can crawl....upto every single nerve of my body.

" I can climb up on your body too. Just let me in baby"

"Why are you tired of playing with something non-living and without a pussy? Or in a short term MY PS3." I snapped proudly
" Something tells me you are jealous of the PS3 being the centre of my attention "He asked slyly emphasizing and dragging every syllable.

What?! What?! What?!

Or am I...

What of course not! It's a PS3 it can't take my position in his life!
I mean the fate human position not any other!

" Just pass me the dress!"

I heard him sigh and walking . A few ruffling of cloth and clunking of metal hangers before a knock caught my attention.

I created a small slit and snaked my arm out to get the dress making sure he doesn't see me in my black bra and panties. Instead of handing me my dress sincerely he grabbed my hand and yanked me out of my bathroom in the most outrageous outlook ever.

" Fort!! Fuck you!" I screamed frantically searching for a fabric to cover myself

" Most welcome to fuck me" He bowed laughing. He flipped his hair up from hia forehead and looked at me tilting his head and tugging his lip ring.

" No. Keep your manhood to yourself pervert " I stated

" I never said anything . You blame me for no reason." He said pouting innocently

I rolled my eyes. His eyebrow quirked and he gave me the 'really' look.


"You are literally in your black bra and your tits are just showing in the most seductive way possible and then you are rolling those blue eyes when I clearly remember telling you how I get turned on by you." He stated."I am just confused that you want me to fuck my brains out or beat my ass up"

"How about...........I want to.....CHANGE!" I grab the red dress on my bed and walk upto the bathroom door. But Fort was quick and he grabbed my wrist. His touch still makes my heart hiccup.

Living With My Fate ✔(#Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now